Present: Helen Vecht, Anne Boston, Jean Dollimore, Stefano Casalotti, Meade McCloughan (chair), James Brander (notes)
Apologies: Jane Boardman, John Chamberlain, Richard Fletcher
Matters arising Meade confirmed he would contact Jane on her return regarding chairing the December meeting.
Judd St traffic management new consultation due soon, with two options. Jean D. to write to members in that area asking them to support our preferred option, when it is clear which that is. LBCamden decision to be made on Jan 16th.
Kings Cross area-wide cycle study being undertaken by Buchanan’s, with Philip Loy (former LCC local groups coordinator) leading. A meeting beween Jean, Philip, Laurie Baker (LBCanden) and John Lee (TfL) to be arranged. Jean asked to remember the need for cycle access on the coach link beneath St Pancras International. She agreed to circulate the committee to check our list of requirements.
WCRSAG notable for the number of Councillors attending. Not expected to continue like that. Site meeting concerning Swiss Cottage cycle track still awaited.
Link 28 CRISP: Agar Grove-Baynes St-St Pancras Way junction improvement Feasibility study into using Agar Place/Wrotham St expected to begin in autumn 2006. Consultation to be in spring 2007.
SSL issues works in Gordon Square are a new pedestrian crossing on a table. Signals at Marchmont St to be operational very soon. LBC proposal to restrict westbound use of the cycle lane at the Judd St junction until the signals are in place considered unneccessary. Agreed not to mention Living Streets proposed all-red phase at Maple Street, on the grounds of low pedestrian flows.
Hampstead Heath agreed not to respond to Heath for Feet provocation in Ham and High. Jean reported having sent copies of the first version of her report into potential use of Heath paths by cycling pupils to various interested parties in LBCamden. Will also send it to Heath management (Simon Lee and Bob Hall). No news yet on timing of consultation.
Counts of existing cyclists on Heath during morning and afternoon school travel time to be undertaken at four locations by Anne, Jean, Meade and Stefano on October 19th.
Stefano reported that a further ride to Hampstead Parochial will take place later this autumn, on a date to suit Jenny Jones who is expected to take part.
James to inform Jean of the contact details of the person attending his ride on Sunday who works at one of the Belsize Park private schools.
Royal Parks nothing new – next meeting in January.
Cycle route mapping agreed to be a good idea, though quite demanding in computer time if a large area is covered. At this point, Simon Brammer for LCC, who had arrived early, pointed out that TfL are working on a GIS system for the whole of London, which will enable this kind of thing to be done easily. George C is to be encouraged to go on with it.
New website host original host failed, causing our website to be intermittently unavailable. New host (Nidelven) has transferred most of the site, leaving us to sort out the navigation panel.
Maintenance classes first of new season went well, though undersubscribed. More are expected to attend the second and third sessions. Stefano recommended asking for advance payment to ensure commitment. Publicity to clarify that sessions form integral parts of a complete course. Jean to ensure that arrangements for December session are notified to Rebecca Lack in time for next issue of London Cyclist.
*James’ ride on Sunday* seven people, including some new members from Camden. James to write up a description for web etc.
Committee roles not really addressed, though agreed to offer Dominic a place if he wants it. Anne thought she would probably not seek re-election at the next AGM.
December meeting will be chaired by Helen (agreed), with Adam Thorpe speaking about theft and its antidotes. To be followed by tradiitonal party.
At this point the meeting was joined by: George Coulouris, Dominic Tinley, Viv Gambling, Alex McKinnell from Barnet, John and Jackie Shirley, Colin Murphy and Lionel Shapiro.