Slides from a talk by George Coulouris at the CCC monthly meeting on December 18th 2023
A Vision for Cycling through Holborn
Slides from a talk by John Dales at monthly meeting on 15th June 2015
Cyclist safety in Vernon Place
For meeting between CCC and Camden Council;
25 February 2015
Clerkenwell Boulevard
Talk to Holborn Area Action Group Tuesday 4th March 2014
Cycle segregated junctions
Transport Liaison Public Meeting Wednesday 19 February 2014
Why Camden and London should Go Dutch
Presented by Jean Dollimore at Camden’s public meeting about transport in London, 17 October 2012.
PowerPoint available from JD
Cyclists Safety in Kings Cross
Jean Dollimore representing Camden Cycling Campaign at Special Meeting of Culture & Environment Scrutiny Committee on Road Safety – 16th Nov 2011. Refers to TfL’s failure to follow their own design standards
Deputation on Motor Cycles in Bus lanes
Deputation to Camden Council