1. This document is the governing document for the Camden Cycling Campaign (CCC).
2. The Camden Cycling Campaign is established for the following objects: (i) to encourage people to cycle; (ii) to improve conditions for cyclists; (iii) to raise the profile of cycling.
3. The Camden Cycling Campaign is an independent branch of the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) and inherits the objects and powers of that parent body from the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the LCC. In particular the Camden Cycling Campaign may raise and hold funds in designated accounts for the purpose of furthering the above objects. Such funds may only be spent in agreement with the Co-ordinator and Treasurer of the CCC, subject to the financial regulations agreed from time to time by the Management Committee of the CCC.
4. CCC works towards Equal Opportunities for all and shall have a clear and separate Equal Opportunities policy.
5. CCC is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and shall have a separate Safeguarding policy that aims to protect children and vulnerable adults by adopting appropriate guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct.
6. Any member of LCC resident in the London Borough of Camden is automatically a member of CCC. A member of LCC who is not resident in the London Borough of Camden may be admitted to CCC membership at any meeting of the MC, subject to the approval of at least two-thirds of the MC members present.
7. The Camden Cycling Campaign shall be governed by a committee comprising not less than 3 members. This committee shall be known as “the Management Committee” (MC). The management committee shall comprise at least the following two roles: (i) Borough Coordinator and (ii) Treasurer and may include a Secretary. Other members of the MC may perform specific roles such as coordination of: Council Liaison; Campaigns; Newsletter; Publicity; Events; Membership. Not all members of the MC need perform a specific role.
8. Membership of the MC shall be determined annually through election of nominees at the AGM, or through co-option at any MC meeting. The posts of Borough Coordinator, Treasurer and Secretary shall only be filled by election at the AGM except that in the event of a resignation between AGMs, another CCC member shall be appointed in an acting position at an MC meeting, subject to the approval of at least two thirds of the MC members present. Members may be co-opted to the MC at any meeting of the MC, subject to the approval of at least two thirds of the MC members present. The entire MC should stand down at each AGM.
9. The MC shall usually meet once a month and at least once every quarter, and all members of CCC may participate in such meetings. Three MC members shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the MC.
10. Once a year an Annual General Meeting shall be held which shall be notified in advance in the London Cyclist magazine and/or in other material circulated to CCC members by LCC or CCC and other appropriate media. All CCC members may attend and vote on decisions and elections of MC members. Voting shall be by show of hands. The AGM shall receive a report from the Treasurer on CCC’s income and expenditure in the previous financial year.
11. Members of the MC may not benefit financially or in any similar way from membership of the MC.
12. CCC can only be dissolved at an AGM. On dissolution any assets will be transferred to LCC. Any unspent grant money will first be offered back to the grant-making body.
13. Amendments to this Constitution may only be approved at an AGM.
Adopted: [insert date] Signed: [Borough Coordinator and Secretary]
Adopted unanimously at CCC AGM on 13th April 2006. Signed by coordinators Stefano Casalotti and Jean Dollimore. Secretary Meade McCloughan.
Minor modifications to sections 7 and 8 approved at CCC AGM on 21st May 2018.
Minor modifications to section 5 approved at CCC AGM on 18th May 2020.
Safeguarding – we follow the relevant sections of LCC’s Policy & Guidance for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults