Business Meeting
Jane Boardman (chair), James Brander, Stefano Casalotti, John Chamberlain, Andrew Conway, Jean Dollimore, Paul Gannon, Paul Gasson, Meade McCloughan (minutes) and Helen Vecht.
David Arditti and Daniel Glaser.
Bike Fest, 4th July
- Our application for a grant under the National Lottery ‘Awards for All’ scheme was rejected – the reason given was that our bank account doesn’t require two signatures.
- Alix (WDS) has some funds which will be used to hire bikes for people to try.
- Publicity postcards went out with London Cyclist; posters have gone up on bus stands.
- Stefano will put out a request for volunteers on the newsgroup in due course.
‘Respect Pedestrians’?
- Stefano is keen to proceed with a ‘respect pedestrians’ campaign.
- LBC’s Road Safety Scrutiny Panel’s report has just been published, and recommends that the Council tries an anti-pavement cycling project (in conjunction with CCC).
- It was felt that we should take this suggestion up, but ensure that the focus is broadened by addressing the dangers to cyclists caused by ‘bad’ cycling and emphasizing the need for better infrastructure and more training. Research could also be done on supposed ‘hot-spots’.
- Jane and James both argued that this was not something we ought to be doing.
- It was agreed that Jean should respond as indicated above at WCRSAG on the 30th June.
Cycle Storage
- John reported on the work he has put in researching this issue; he may write this up and circulate it to the newsgroup.
- He is meeting two Council officials – one from transport, one from housing – on the 25th June to discuss developing a storage scheme for one of the Council’s estates.
- He will see via the newsgroup if anyone else would like to come to this meeting.
CCC Website
- Andrew plans to have a working version of the new website ready by the end of the week, which he will be able to let Jean and in due course the rest of committee see.
- Andrew will work with Jean and Paul Gasson to transfer content from the old website.
- We will need new/updated content and photographs for the front page.
- Once this has been done, Andrew can proceed to the second phase, which will involve adding in the ‘member log-in’ facility and consultation comments page.
- Andrew expects that the new website will be up and running in time to be announced in the August newsletter.
Conference: ‘Encouraging Workplace Cycling’, Nottingham, 9th September
- Stefano and Andrew to attend for CCC (£35 + travel each)
- Stefano would like CCC to develop a ‘workplace cycling’ scheme, ideally getting a grant to employ someone to work on it part-time.
- Question: how effective has the Council’s own ‘Green Travel Plan’ been?
Kings Cross
- The detailed plans have not yet been released, but are expected very soon – John to chase this up.
- LBC will let us have access to the consultants it will have examining the cycling / pedestrian issues.
- We must try to get the Camley Street link put into the KX redevelopment.
- We should watch how the opposition to the whole scheme builds up – we should support this, but be prepared to quieten down in exchange for cycling facilities.
Somerstown – attacks on cyclists
- Cllr Barbara Hughes has now said that the Council is planning to extend the Street Wardens scheme north of the Euston Road.
- The importance of reporting incidents to the police was reiterated.
Speakers for future meetings
- The following will be invited:
- Mayer Hillman – September 2004
- Simeon Bamford (Cycle Training) – November 2004
- Patrick Field (London College of Cycling) – January 2005
- Jean to contact Mayer and Patrick, Daniel to contact Simeon.
- No response from the cycle parking person (but Stefano to pass on the details to John).
Main Members Meeting
as above, plus George Coulouris, Hilda Matthew, Colin Murphy, Lionel Shapiro and Glen.
as above, plus Gerry Harrison and Mayer Hillman.
Speaker: Hermione Brightwell, Sustrans
- Hermione outlined the work Sustrans (short for ‘sustainable transport’) does nationally, from the National Cycle Network to Safe Routes to Schools and Art and the Travelling Landscape.
- Sustrans’ London strategy is to focus on health projects, marketing and schools.
- Hermione herself is now working on Schools Travel Planning, having previously helped develop the Wandle Trail. Schools Travel Planning is a government initiative, whereby councils get schools to develop ‘travel plans’ and thereby encourage pupils and parents to walk or cycle to school. Some councils have engaged Sustrans personnel to work on this, and Hermione is one of them (in Sutton). (Camden is doing it in-house – the officer is Simon Bishop.)
- The meeting discussed the difficulties faced by such initiatives, from the absence of a cycling culture these days to to schools banning children from cycling.
- Questions were raised about the relation of Sustrans’ National Cycle Network routes to the London Cycling Network plus. There is some overlap, but the two networks do have somewhat different roles – the former does have a leisure focus, the latter is meant to be more utilitarian.
- It was felt that there was a need for more ‘leisure’, touring routes in central London – such as the Lee Valley and Wandle routes – even if only to access the NCN routes which start on the fringes of London.
- Various problems with NCN routes were discussed, such as:
- poor signage, esp. in urban areas (paint on road works well);
- ‘cyclists dismount’ signs – usually the fault of uncooperative local councils;
- unduly circuitous routes;
- barriers to prevent motorbikes getting through also preventing trailers, tricycles, even heavily-laden touring bikes – though the Disability Discrimination Act is now working to stop these barriers being put in.
- Should NCN routes be tarmac surfaced? Some were in favour, others not.
- Hermione recommended avoiding tarmac for shared-use tracks – looser surfaces help pedestrians hear cyclists behind them (and slow cyclists down a bit).
- Sustrans does have design guidelines for shared-use tracks available on its website.
- It also has quite a lot of research data on this and can be called in to consult on schemes
- Hermione agreed to e-mail Jean with details of Sustrans’ consultancy charges – we might be able to use them for Hampstead Heath type schemes.
- Sustrans has good contacts with Railtrack – it was suggested that the proposed Gospel Oak-Kentish Town Road cycle and footpath link is something it could help with. CCC to encourage Cllr Gerry Harrison to approach Sustrans.
Next meeting
- Monday 12th July.