May 2014- April 15:
Julian Fulbrook becomes Camden’s Cycle Champion Councillor
September: First Bikehangar installed in Camden after three-year residents’ campaign.
November: first set of Quick Wins implemented.
December: campaign to find groups of residents needing a Bikehangar in their street.
May 2015-April 16:
March: Brent and Camden Cyclists hold an Active Travel Hustings for General Election.
April: Angela organises Cycle to work while Tufnell Park Station is closed.
June: Gospel Oak Inspection ride led by Steven Edwards.
July: RCS southern extension completed with stepped tracks and bus stop bypasses.
August: horrendous implementation at Cobden junction completed.
December: Tavistock Place trial started.
May 2016-April 17:
June: RCS northern extension completed and hence providing a protected route between Kentish Town and Midland Road.
September: #TaviPlace campaign led by John Hartley.
September: St. Joseph’s Primary School, Healthy School Street
October: Cycle counters show a substantial increase in numbers on RCS since opening of RCS northern extension – over two thousand cyclists are using Royal College Street on almost every weekday.
November: Record response for #TaviPlace consultation. 15,000 responses, including 1,387 residents, highest number ever for a Camden council consultation, with 78% in favour.
February: Tavistock Place trial extended until November while a Public Inquiry is held.
March: Demo to save CS 11 (#SaveCS11) around 150 people assembled with their bikes to hear speeches and then ride round a circuit. Well reported in the Press.
Spring: After a start with two Bikehangars in 2014, 14 new sites with 21 Bikehangars were approved last summer and most have been installed
May 2017- April 18:
July: HS2 cycle patrol with Michael Barratt
October–November: TaviPlace Public Inquiry. CCC case put and witnesses called by John Chamberlain; ride with Adam Harrison the new chair of transport
November: troubles start on Somerstown cycle route; Delancey_Pratt under threat: Our deputation in support and Petition against the route
December: cycle counts in RCS remain high over the winter
March: West End Project implementation starts in Tottenham Court Road and New Oxford Street
May 2018- April 19:
Inspector’s report (on Tavistock Place) published; Adam Harrison speaks at our AGM
August: Camden consults on Prince of Wales Road Cycle track (westbound only)
September: Tavistock Place trial made permanent; CS6 extension to Kentish Town completed by Midland -Judd link.
October: Healthy School Street for Ackland Burghley; Vernon Place safety measures (left turn bans)
November: big campaigning effort for consultation on westbound vs eastbound motor traffic on Tavistock Place; CS11 stopped by Westminster Council
December: Construction starts on the Pancras Road junctions
January: Healthy School Street for Gospel Oak School; Princeton Street closed; Judd Street closed
March: Funding for Holborn LN (later withdrawn)
April: Camden Transport Strategy published with Cycling Action Plan including targets for borough-wide cycle network
May 2019- April 20:
Spring: West End Project complete
August: Faringdon improvements
September: C6 route opened by Will Norman
Aug-Dec: 17 permeability improvements
March: Midland – Judd scheme wins London transport Excellence in Walking and Cycling Award 2020
March: due to Covid: committee meeting on Skype and then change to Zoom for April
April: Joint CCC and LLS letter to Camden Council in support of officers’ work to re-allocate carriageway space from motor vehicles to walking and cycling
May 2020- April 21:
May: Letter to Cllr Harrison and officers with our proposals for LTNs, Interventions on major roads, routes to schools and school streets
May: Covid 19 phase 1: Mini LTNs Sandall Road, Constantine Road, Wilmot Place, Clarence Way and Hartland Road; pop-up lanes in Goodsway.
June: Covid 19 phase 2 Mini LTNs (Red Lion+Dane Street and Prowse Street and three Healthy School Streets; TfL popup lanes in Euston road eastbound, Hampstead Road and Harrington Road-Oakley Square
July-Sept: York Way popup lanes (ETO)
July: Seven Dials pedestrianised
Aug: Brunswick Square completed
Sept: Prince of Wales Road eastbound pop up lanes (ETO) and westbound permanent scheme; Arlington LTN (ETO)
October: Phase 2 cycle counters introduced at 25 sites
Nov: St Pancras way popup lanes (ETO)End 2020: sixteen new school streets and 70 new bikehangars.
April: Torriano Avenue- Camden Park Road
April: May 2021 GLA elections Barnet and Camden constituency Labour and Green and candidates support our asks
May 2021- April 22:
May: Queen’s Crescent scheme installed (ETO); Chalk Farm Road pop-up cycle lanes between Hawley Road and Prince of Wales Road; Ferdinand Street junction upgrade (ETO)
September: Southampton Row-Theobalds Road junction temporary upgrade following fatality in August; six more school streets
October: Gray’s Inn Road cycle route completed; Asks presented to Adam Harrison; Chalk Farm Road pop-up lanes completed
November: New Tiger crossing aids the new C6 Extension to Hampstead Heath
Dec: Prince of Wales Road eastbound and York Way cycle lanes made permanent
January: work started on Haverstock Hill Pop-up cycle lanes
Feb: St Pancras Way pop-up scheme and Arlington LTN made permanent
Feb-Mar: Camden Square LTN and improvements for C50 (ETO)
April: Angler’s Lane closed to motor traffic and opened for two-way cycling
May 2022- April 23:
May: Council Elections: CSS campaign leads to pledges from Labour, Greens and LibDems.
July: C50 cycle route through Camden Square completed
August: permanent scheme for Southampton Row-Theobalds Road junction
October: Haverstock Hill 2km of pop-up cycle lanes completed; work starts on stepped tracks on Prince of Wales Road eastbound; consultation on scheme for junctions at Proctor Street and High Holborn
January: Mini LTNs made permanent and greening added
March: Women’s Freedom Ride
April: Earth Day ride
May 2023- April 24:
June: Julian Fulbrook leads discussion of the Circular Economy
August: Red Lion mini LTN consolidated and C41 route Holorn to Euston signed
September: Camden working on detailed design for Holborn LN and construction starts on Procter Street-Holborn junction
October: Stepped tracks on Prince of Wales Road eastbound completed. TfL work on Oakley Square and Harrington Square
November: Tavistock Place upgrades start with the replacement of Orcas with kerb separators.
Committee and Officers April 2014– present
Meetings with Camden officers and councillors
Since 2011 we have met quarterly with the leader of the Planning team (John Futcher until Oct 16, then Natasha Brown until Jan 17; Kieran Ward from June 17-18) the leader of design team (Simi Shah) and since 2017 the leader of the Policy Team (Sam Margolis). John, George and Jean attend together with Cllr Julian Fulbrook; since 2018 London Living Streets has participated; topics have included the new area schemes e.g. West End Project, Holborn, safety issues; the new transport strategy and the borough-wide cycle network. Many ad-hoc meetings arranged to deal with particular projects e.g. Camden Square-C50, progress of cycle route construction. Occasional meetings with TfL e.g. on Kings Cross junctions
Geoff has run rides from Sidings to encourage new cyclists e.g Ice Cream Ride, Brent Parks ride and Fulham Palace Ride.
And each summer we have a monthly ride including the above and James’ Towpath Rides, and John’s rides to Lee Valley .
We have led feeders to mass rides and events including Ride London, Free Cycle.