Minutes of Camden Cycling Campaign Business Meeting on 13th June 2005
Present: David Arditti, Jane Boardman, James Brander, Stefano Casalotti, John Chamberlain (minutes), Jean Dollimore, Helen Vecht (chair)
Apologies: Paul Gasson and Meade McLoughlan.
Dr Bike
• James raised the issue of what level of service we should be providing at Dr. Bike sessions. He had sent out a summary covering the historical background and listing some issues. Traditionally we have inspected bicycles, advised on work needed, and made minor adjustments, especially when these were safety-related. We have not replaced parts. Other organizations, such as CTUK and Camden’s Cycle Training group, are now going much further, and replacing spokes, brake cables etc. James felt that we were perceived to be offering a ‘2nd class’ service and asked whether people felt we should invest in spare parts, tools and training and offer an enhanced service. He was also concerned about liability and insurance.
• Helen wondered if we had enough manpower and commitment. James replied that there were currently 3 volunteers (himself, Lionel Shapiro and John Chamberlain). We could probably get more if needed.
• John asked what other borough groups did. Helen replied that Barnet did much the same as we do now – adjustments but no parts replacement.
• Stefano felt that as long as we were registered with LCC we were covered for liability, but others questioned whether this only applied to specific events. Jean offered to check into this.**
• Stefano felt that we should invest in more tools, but James felt that we would then have issues of where they should be kept etc. He and John felt that with a small investment we could have enough for any minor repairs.
• After some discussion is was agreed that we should stick to the current philosophy and not try to compete with CTUK and the bike shops.
• John had been approached by Camden asking about arranging a Dr Bike on the Mortimer Estate (where there are plans to convert pram sheds into secure storage). James felt that we should put them in touch with their own staff (Harry Loughlin et al), or CTUK at £40 pp per hour and not volunteer to do it ourselves. This was agreed.
Green Fair/Bike Fest, Regent’s Park (5th June)
• Stefano had produced a summary of the comments sent in by those who volunteered to help on the day. Helen suggested that all these be kept and reviewed before the 2006 event.
• Stefano felt that there should have been a more thorough briefing of volunteers, including a checklist for organizers to follow.
• Jane felt that the day had gone very well and that the comments were minor in nature. All agreed that the location was excellent.
• Stefano will report back to the Green Fair committee and point out the underperformance of the security staff, and the fact that Green Fair staff apparently did not know where the Bike Fest was being held. He will also apply for a TfL grant to be used to cover some of next year’s costs.
Cycling in Parks
• 400 people had signed the petition at the Bike Fest.
• Stefano suggested that we should contact Sustrans, CTC and FoE for support and then approach the Mayor or other political figures.
• Jean said that according to Chris Nicola, Camden’s target for more cycle paths on Hampstead Heath has been removed from the new update of the Cycle Plan
. This was because Simon Lee had rejected the idea of any further negotiations regarding new cycle paths.
• Rik Andrew of LCC has had a campaign going for some time, but progress has been slow.
Royal College Street Cycle Path Closure
• Jean had contacted the Council again about the problems at Crowndale Road. An onsite meeting was planned for the Tuesday to discuss moving the hoardings to allow a minimum 2m wide path.
WCRSAG Meeting
• Jean reported that the idea of a children’s cycle to school route up Fitzjohns Avenue had been enthusiastically received. Council officers agreed to look into the possibility of a cycle route along, or adjacent to, Fitzjohn’s Ave in view of the high potential school use.
• Jean also reported that the stop signs in Marchmont and Cliff streets are temporary.
• James reported that Camden now has a proposed Climate Change strategy that includes a commitment to develop residential cycle storage on one estate. James will respond to this.
The members meeting was well- attended by people who had come to hear John Adams talk. Report on talk