Present Jean Dollimore, Richard Fletcher (Chair), Jane Boardman, Anne Boston, James Brander (notes)
Apologies John Chamberlain, Helen Vecht, Meade McCloughan, Stefano Casalotti.
George Coulouris and Paul Braithwaite(for second half)
Minutes OK
Matters arising None without their own later agenda item
Venue for May meetingagain reminded that Primrose Hill CC is not available for the second Monday (May 14th). Agreed to encourage Stefano to try to arrange Marchmont St, though we could change the date if necessary. It was noted that the date of the April meeting has already been changed (to April 2nd) to avoid Easter, so a precedent has been set.
College Crescent a long and involved discussion whose upshot was that CCC would send a deputation of three people, probably Richard, Stefano and Jean, though Meade has offered to stand in if needed. Richard and Jean are to finalise the text of a 5 minute presentation. Richard and Stefano will agree who should present it. Agreed that the main purpose of this deputation is to request the Scrutiny panel to insist that whatever plan is finally decided by Environment it should a. be fully consulted on and b. maintain 2-way cycle use. The deputation text will include reference to designs for a possible scheme but should not focus on design issues.
Jean offered to forward David Braine’s contact details to Richard to enable him to find out who at TfL is dealing with this.
Meeting structure Further debate, during which it was agreed that some of the Committee discussions (eg that over College Crescent) could be a lot too detailed for many members. However, it was also felt that a lot of items normally put on the Committee agenda could easily and perhaps more usefully discussed by other members too.
So it was agreed that the committee part of the meetings should be shortened by 30 mins, and that agendas should be much more carefully divided so that really only very tedious stuff was dealt with during the first half hour. Where reports (eg of WCRSAG) are already published on the web, there is no need to present detailed information except when some further action by us is required.
The next meeting, therefore, will start at 7pm, with Jean chairing.
Proposed Heath event RF and JB are to flesh out a proposal for a Training Day to be held on the Heath. This needn’t be too detailed as the idea is to sound out the authorities’ willingness to host a cycling event of any sort.
JD will circulate her draft of CCC response to the forthcoming consultation to Anne for comment.
At this point, the meeting was joined by Nathan Kaczmarski.
WCRSAG JD referred to her report on the latest of these (held in December) which is available on CCC website. The only matter to be taken forward is the unwillingness of TfL to implement the yellow box markings requested for the crossing of Euston Rd at Ossulston St and Mabledon Place. JD agreed to take this up with Mike Green, and try to influence a change of heart at TfL.
Notes on WCRSAG Dec 06
Speed hump removal was also discussed; JD agreed to keep an eye on this at future WCRSAG.
Meeting with Dave Stewart Noted had been circulated.
Notes on Meeting with Dave Stewart, Dec 06
No issues to follow up, though JD encouraged to keep these going, as they have been held regularly 3 or 4 times a year for a number of years, and are very useful
Speakers for meetings JD reported having met an unecpected response from the Farrel’s engineer doing the Bloomsbury environmental scheme proposals. He responded that, as he is working for LBCamden, he would need them to be present at any meeting with us. Furthermore, he stipulated that any meeting should take place in his office with only a limited presence from CCC. JD will follow up his offer (probably with Sam Monck), but clearly there is no question of his addressing the March meeting.
JD will invite Richard Bourn of T2000 (London) for March.
Other ideas for speakers included:
- someone from ATOC or Bike rail to talk about bikes on trains (JB to fix)
- Sustrans again (JD or NK to fix)
- someone from JMP to talk about Travel Plans (Nathan to fix)
- someone (Ollie Hatch) to talk about the European cycle scene (JB to fix).
Rides agreed that we need one a month, and that it is important to have them advertised both with central LCC and with CTC,though there can be complications about CTC.
JB offered to lead a towpath ride on April 1st to start things off. He should circulate arrangements to Helen and Jean for inclusion on websites and in newsletter.
AOB None