Minutes of Camden Cycling Campaign Business Meeting on 10th December 2007
Present: Anne Boston (chair), Jane Boardman, James Brander, Stefano Casalotti, John Chamberlain, Jean Dollimore, Richard Fletcher, Meade McCloughan (minutes), and Helen Vecht.
St Pancras Demo debrief
• Good co-operation with Ralph and CTC.
• Timings weren’t good – by the time the press photographers had arrived, most of
the cyclists had left.
• Lessons for future: talk to the right people, i.e. not LB Camden, who don’t have leverage in this area.
• Problems with cycle parking in car park, e.g. drop-down bar, but people are using the facility.
• Negotiations have started with LB Camden to implement link to Seven Stations Link (there is money for this).
• Jean congratulated on her efforts!
Maintenance Classes
• The last class of the current series has now taken place.
• Eleven people paid (total £550); CCC lost nearly £200, and Andrea wants to charge us more.
• Richard Riddle, LB Camden, has offered to give us £1,000 for a set of three training sessions.
• Serious doubts were expressed about the practicalities of this, in particular how and indeed whether we would in fact be paid for this. It was suggested that Cllr Braithewaite could be of assistance in ensuring that these practicalities are sorted out.
• Would we want to continue with the existing patterns of three Saturday afternoons? It was suggested that two longer sessions (e.g. four hours) would probably be easier for people to attend (and easier for the shop to manage). An alternative would be to go for a whole day session (as CTUK do).
• With funding, we could perhaps publicize the classes better, e.g. with a leaflet; also provide (more detailed) handouts.
• Stefano to continue in negotiations with Richard, bearing in mind the above points, with a view to further discussion among the committee.
Kings Cross Development Forum
• A large planning application for the Granary Site is now in and going to committee in January. John to draft response with help from Anne and James.
• We would like to represent the Forum on the new Access Sub-Group, but with daytime meetings this may be difficult. John to attend when possible, Anne and James as alternates.
Dalby Street Public Inquiry
• John had already put in an objection from CCC, with help from James.
• There is now to be a public inquiry into the stopping up order, starting on the 15th January and listed for four days.
• James and John to submit written evidence to this inquiry along the lines of our previous objection.
• John to get more details from the developer.
LCN+ Links 26 and 31 draft CRISP reports
• Meade outlined the main issues, following which a discussion started about the Swiss Cottage gyratory, a discussion then concluded by e-mail and summarized in a subsequent e-mail.
For the main meeting, see the news item December Festivities