Present: Anne Boston (minutes), Stefano Casalotti, Jean Dollimore (chair), Dominic Tinley, Helen Vecht.
Apologies: Jane Boardman, James Brander, John Chamberlain, Richard Fletcher,
Meade McLoughan.
Route O (Seven Stations Link) review
The CRISP is run by Carlos Da Rocha. As agreed at the February meeting, Jean will suggest a parallel route running to the south of the existing one, along the north side of Bedford Square. The main East-West route has been a victim of its own success and increased permeability in the area is needed.
Mailing List
Dominic has set up the new mailing list for CCC members ( and the first news update was sent to over 500 members at the beginning of March. Dominic said all is running as it should except that some members who use Yahoo as their service provider might not have received the message as Yahoo are a little over enthusiastic at marking messages from mailing lists as spam. He was going to do some fine-tuning for Yahoo addresses.
Bike Week
- Sunday 15 June Bike Bus from the Camden Square area to Hampstead Heath. It was agreed to arrange three of these escorted family rides, to start at 2.00, 2.30 and 3.00 pm.
- Stefano to look into the cost of printing a Bike Week postcard with details about the Bike Bus rides on one side and a list of all the Bike Week events on the other. Dominic recommended Abacus Colour Printers used by artists for promotion and which will print cards with photos from <>.
- Stefano’s suggestion to link the rides with an ice cream sponsor/deal, either with the café on Hampstead Heath or with Marine Ices, was agreed: Stefano to follow up.
- Wednesday 15 June Bike Breakfast. Jane to be asked if she will organize it again.
- Sunday 22 June Camden Peripherique, ride organized by Paul Braithwaite.
- Dr Bike: no dates set yet.
Speakers for future meetings
Jenny Jones, Paul Braithwaite/Camden Cycling Champion, and writers Ken Worpole and Dervla Murphy were proposed. Jean agreed to ask Jenny Jones if she would be free to speak to CCC members at the AGM on Monday 12 May.
Camden Cycling Plan Review
The Camden Cycling Plan had set targets, eg for improving one-way streets by either introducing cycling contraflows or by making them two-way, but only specific locations had been considered. This enabled Camden to claim that that all its targets have been achieved. Camden also claims to have completed its target on cycle gaps through road closures.
Jean suggested asking LB Camden to introduce a new target of permeability, based on specific examples of obstacles encountered by cyclists on certain routes. It was agreed that CCC would ask members to help them to prepare a list of routes with trouble spots and negotiate for new targets.
Road changes to increase permeability might include the following:
-making an exception in a traffic order (eg “no right turn except cyclists”);
-no entry plug and contraflow cycle lane’
-a dropped kerb opposite an entrance to a park;
as well as gaps through road closures and 2-way cycling on one-way streets.
On speed reduction targets (the plan already has a target for 20mph zones), Jean suggested asking LB Camden for a target on introducing 20mph limits on the streets (eg Mansfield Road, Highgate Road, Fortess Road) in between the zones, to make the 20mph limit continuous.
We also agreed to ask LB Camden for a new target for tackling the danger spots identified by CCC members on request by Camden Council in spring 2006.
Hampstead Heath
Heath Management Meeting on 31 March at the Guild Hall. Stefano and Meade agreed to attend, and Anne volunteered as understudy if either of them couldn’t make it.
CCC Members Meeting at 7.30
Present: committee members plus Rik Andrew, George Coulouris, Martin Fahey and Oliver Schick.
Apologies: Paul Braithwaite, Mayer Hillman.
Speaker: Sian Berry, Green Party Candidate standing for Mayor of London, spoke on the subject
‘How can we get to 30% of journeys being taken by bike in London?’
Illustrated account of the meeting with Sian Berry