Camden Cyclists e-Newsletter September 2014
Dates for your diary:
Monday 15 September 7:30 – 9pm
Members’s Meeeting will be held as usual at Primrose Hill Community Association, NW1 8TN. It follows our Committee/Business Meeting at 6:30, to which all interested members are welcome. Stefano will chair.
Sven Segal from FoE and Abigail (Abi) Mortimer from Greenpeace will join us in a discussion panel on the topic:
‘Should the London/Camden Cycling Campaign adopt an environmental approach in its campaign for better cycling facilities?’
We expect this to be a friendly discussion on environmental issues and cycling impact on the environment, and hope this will be productive.
Sunday 28 September 10.45am – 4.30pm
Camden Cyclists’ North London Parks Ride
A gentle 25 mile ride through the parks of North London. Lunch and tea stops or bring your own. Meet at Swiss Cottage Market (Eton Road) NW3 3HY at 1045 for 11 am start. Some mild off-road so skinny tires probably not suitable. Back by 4:30.
Saturday 4 October
Sidings Heritage Fair
We hope to hold a stall and Doctor Bike at the Sidings Heritage Fair. Details to be confirmed later.
Monday 6 October 6:30-8:30pm
Kentish Town Bike Workshop
Kentish Town Health Centre, 2 Bartholomew Road, London NW5 2AJ
Bring your bike for a check up and advice as to how to fix it. You’ll work on your own bike with help from a mechanic.
Workshops are held in association with Transition Kentish Town. They are free, but donations welcome. More details on our website.
Join us for drinks at the Abbey Tavern nearby, after the Workshop.
Monday 20 October 7.30-9.30pm
Members’ Meeting
This will be held at the Sidings Community Centre, 150 Brassey Road, NW6 2BA. We have arranged for two members of the Police to address us about policing cycling in the area, coving issues including traffic law enforcement and cycle theft.
We are also hoping to be joined by local Ward Councillors to discuss local cycling issues.
Bike Hangars!
Parking bicycles out of the weather and away from thieving hands has always been difficult for those who live in flats. After a lengthy campaign, we now have a secure, weatherproof bike hangar on College Place. tells the full story.
Super Highways
The proposed North-South Cycle Superhighway will run through Camden. Join our discussion of the consultation with TfL on Cyclescape at The TfL consultation is at
Camden Cyclists on the web and Twitter
Those of you with Twitter accounts may wish to follow Camden Cyclists @camdencyclists. Our website as ever is We are working on a new website.
We also discuss infrastructure issues on Cyclescape