Camden Cyclists e-Newsletter October 2014
Dates for your diary:
Monday 20 October 7.30-9.30pm
Members’ Meeting
This will be held at the Sidings Community Centre, 150 Brassey Road, NW6 2BA. We have arranged for two members of the Police to address us about policing cycling in the area, covering issues including traffic law enforcement and cycle theft.
We are also hoping to be joined by local Ward Councillors to discuss local cycling issues.
Monday 3 November 6:30-8:30pm
Kentish Town Bike Workshop
Kentish Town Health Centre, 2 Bartholomew Road, London NW5 2AJ
Bring your bike for a check up and advice as to how to fix it. You’ll work on your own bike with help from a mechanic.
Workshops are held in association with Transition Kentish Town. They are free, but donations welcome. More details on our website.
Join us for drinks at the Abbey Tavern nearby, after the Workshop.
Monday 17 November 7.30-9.30pm
Members’ Meeting will be held as usual at Primrose Hill Community Association, 29 Hopkinsons Place, NW1 8TN. It follows our Committee/Business Meeting at 6:30, to which all interested members are welcome.
Brian Deegan from TfL has agreed to address the meeting.
Sunday 23 November 10.30am-4.30pm
Inner London Parks Ride
Leader James Brander
We’ll visit some of London’s parks and open spaces, having lunch in the café in Holland Park, or bring your own. 15-20 miles, back by 4.30 pm.
Meet at 10.30 at the Garden Cafe, Inner Circle, Regents Park for a gentle ride round the Inner London Parks. 15-20 miles. Lunch and tea stops. Back by dark but bring lights just in case (and to get you home).
AGM Congratulations!
Jean Dollimore, who has just stepped down after a decade as Co-ordinator of Camden Cyclists, has been awarded the gong for The Most Outstanding Contribution to Local Cycling Campaigning at the recent LCC AGM. Congratulations for this well-deserved achievement!
George Coulouris who sits on Camden Cyclists Committee, has been elected as a Trustee on the LCC Board.
Super Highways
The proposed North-South Cycle Superhighway will run through Camden. Join our discussion of the consultation with TfL on Cyclescape at The TfL consultation is at
Camden Cyclists on the web and Twitter
Those of you with Twitter accounts may wish to follow Camden Cyclists @camdencyclists. Our website as ever is We are working on a new website.
We also discuss infrastructure issues on Cyclescape