This is an important consultation. It proposes to extend the cycle network by another 550m of segregated cycle lanes (mainly stepped tracks) on both sides of the road from Princes Circus to Cambridge Circus (on Charing Cross Road).
The proposals also include converting the southbound advisory cycle lane north of St Giles High Street into a stepped track (drawing 6 in Scheme Drawings below).
The boundary with Westminster cuts off the junction with Charing Cross Road and with West Street. Any changes in this section are subject to further discussions with Westminster Council.
The cycle lanes and parallel crossings
These are to be stepped tracks apart from three sections on the southwestbound side, where it is proposed to use rain gardens as segregation.
Two zebra crossings to be converted to parallel (Tiger) crossings (drawings 3, 4 and 5)
- by Monmouth Street – with an island and 1.5 m track widths
- near Mercer Street (moved to the northeast side of the junction)
The cycle lane width is shown as 1.8m throughout the scheme apart from the southwest of each of these two crossings where the southbound track width is reduced to 1.5m (as it passes inside a 1.9m wide rain garden). The main carriageway is only 6m wide here.
The side road junctions
Continuous footway (Dutch kerbs are shown in the drawings)
Floating Loading Bays
See drawings 2 and 5. Bay is 2m wide. Cycle lane width 1.8m maintained and buffer 0.7m.
The area around New Compton Street
The following measures are proposed:
- Create a pedestrian and cycles only zone on Phoenix Street
- Create a one-way system for motor vehicles (except for cyclists) on New Compton Street (between St Giles Passage and Stacey Street) and Stacey Street (between New Compton Street and Shaftesbury Avenue)
- Provide New Dockless hire parking and bike hangars
Consultation on Camden’s website
This consultation closes on 10th November. We encouraged you to send a personal response (via the online survey at the bottom of this page):
Scheme Drawings
Click to access Shaftesbury%20Avenue%20%20Consultation%20Plan.pdf
Online survey
The online survey is at the bottom of the consultation page and can be reached directly here:
CCC Response
CCC Response to Consultation on Shaftesbury Avenue Cycle Lanes