LB Camden wishes to modify the traffic arrangements on Belsize Road, NW6, between its roundabout with Fairfax Road in the east and its signal-controlled junction with Abbey Road in the west: a distance of about 500 metres. This is a heavily trafficked and heavily parked section of road, used by quite a number of cyclists, along which there are often delays because large vehicles can’t squeeze past one another.
It is proposed to introduce measures to improve bus flows and accessibility to the existing bus stops. Traffic calming measures in the form of either speed cushions or flat-topped humps are also proposed to ensure vehicular speeds are kept to 30mph without impeding buses and emergency vehicles.
The existing section between Fairfax roundabout and the traffic signals at Abbey Road has parking on both sides. The existing road width is such that opposing buses have to slow down considerably in order to pass each other. In order to address this problem, 4 passing points are proposed along the length of the road. This will involve localised widening of the road by approximately half a metre on both sides.
It is also proposed to introduce either speed cushions or flat-topped humps at these passing points to restrict vehicle speeds and reduce the number of speed-related accidents.
There are three bus stops along Belsize Road serving route 31. In order to improve accessibility, it is proposed to introduce bus boarders on both sides of the road by Fairfax roundabout.This will allow the buses to get closer to the bus stop and kerb allowing passengers with impaired mobility to get on and off. The introduction of bus boarders will also generate additional parking spaces. It is also proposed to move the westbound bus stop just before Abbey Road closer to the junction, and to move the three existing parking bays before the bus cage.
The final proposal involves relocating the existing Pay and Display
parking bays on the eastern side of the junction with Abbey Road. This will involve some kerb realignment to provide new inset parking bays.
CCC’s response
We oppose the bus flow and access proposals.
We support traffic calming on Belsize Road, with a preference for speed humps (as opposed to speed cushions).
We agree with the introduction of passing places and the bus boarders.
We do not agree with moving the bus stops towards the junctions. We feel this would prejudice cyclist and pedestrian safety by reducing junction visibility. The bus stops are located where they are for good reason.
Several cyclists have drawn attention to the poor cycling conditions on this road. A proper segregated cycle lane is needed on the south side of the road.