This scheme centred around a school in Mill Lane (West Hampstead) has a number of components, the most important being:
Replace the existing zebra crossing points on both West End Lane and Mill Lane at the junction with Fortune Green Road with a signalized crossing point.
Relocate and upgrade the existing traffic island on West End Lane junction with Fortune Green Road further north towards Mill Lane.
Install guard railing at each crossing point at the signalized junction to guide pedestrians to the safe crossing points and provide safety from oncoming vehicles.
Introducing a a raised junction table at
- Aldred Road junction with Mill Lane near to the entrance to the school.
- across Parsifal Road at its junction with Fortune Green Road
- across Lyncroft Gardens at its junction with Fortune Green Road
Upgrading the design of the existing traffic islands on Fortune Green Road at the junction with Parsifal Road.
Removal and replacement of the existing damaged guard railing at the junction of Lyncroft Gardens and Fortune Green Road.
CCC’s response:
We support the principal of a safer roiutes to school scheme in this area. But we believe that the proposed scheme for Emmanuel School will not create a safer environment. The scheme as presented will not have an impact on car speed on the main roads surrounding the school, it does not in any way facilitate cycling to the school and has limited advantages for pedestrians
We suggest that, raised tables should be introduced on Mill Lane, West End Lane and Fortune Green Road to reduce speed on these roads. Pedestrian crossing would also be required at the junction of Lyncroft gardens and Fortune Green Road We favor the retention of the zebra crossings and suggest that traditional lollypop people are employed at school opening and closing times( as have been in the past) . If the Council is serious about increasing cycling to the school it should then either introduce cycle lanes along the main road at the cost of car parking, or impose by engineering and enforcement a 20mph limits on all the roads surrounding the school.