The Council has implemented a “Home Zone” in Lupton Street, Raveley Street and Ospringe Road (between Leverton Street and Lady Margaret Road).
The Home Zone aims to:
- Reduce traffic flows and speeds, road casualties and air pollution . Improve the environment for people walking and cycling
– Provide a safe place for children to play
– Create a sense of community
– Improve community safety.
Local people have been involved in designing the Home Zone and suggesting changes now that it is complete. As a result, the Council is reviewing the Home Zone and would like to know your views on:
- Additional traffic calming – road humps – in the area
– Changes to some of the parking in Ospringe Road
– Changes to the open spaces on Lupton Street
– The impact of the Home Zone on the area.
The Council has a limited amount of funding for changes to the Home Zone. We would not be able to afford to implement all of the changes proposed, should they be approved following public consultation. However, we are consulting on all of the proposals with the aim of implementing those that are most popular.
The Council would welcome your views on the proposals in the plan overleaf including:
- Introducing road humps on:
- Raveley Street between Lupton Street and Lady Margaret Road
– Lupton Street between Raveley Street and Brecknock Road
– Ospringe Road between leverton Street and Lady Margaret Road.
- Changing the parking bay on Ospringe Road, in front of Lamboum Close, from residents only to shared residents”~ pay-and-display parking. The controlled parking hours would stay the same, I.e., 8.30arn to 6.30pm. and either residents with a permit or visitors who pay and display a ticket would be able to park in the bay.
- Providing seating on the area in front of the school on Lupton Street
(marked A on the plan) In addition to the existing bench. - Providing seating on the space between the barriers on Lupton Street
(marked B on the plan).
Changes to the church forecourt
The plan shows new paving and seating for the church forecourt area on Lupton Street. This will be implemented following the results of the consultation so that any changes to the forecourt fit in with changes to the public spaces on Lupton Street.
Benefits of the proposals
- Road humps would reduce the speed of traffic in the area to comply with the
Department for Transport’s grant conditions. We need to slow traffic down in the areas where the humps are proposed. There is a limited range of options for speed reduction and road humps are the most effective and affordable and do not reduce parking. - Changes to the parking in Ospringe Road would mean that parents driving to Eleanor Palmer Primary School could park in Ospringe Road rather than Lupton Street. There would also be more parking available for visitors to the church.
- More seating outside the school on Lupton Street would allow more parents to
socialise and oversee their children playing. - More seating in the space between the barriers on Lupton Street, outside the
church hall garden, would provide seating in the Home Zone protected from ball games.
Drawbacks of the proposals - Some people believe that road humps are unattractive.
- Although the parking bays In Ospringe Road are not heavily occupied, making
the bays shared for residents and visitors could reduce parking for residents. - Some people may feel that more seating could lead to anti-social behaviour such as street drinking. However, this has not been the case with the bench outside the school.
- Drawbacks for 4 are the same as for 3.
CCC’s response
Consultation on Gospel Oak Open Space Proposal
Camden Cycling Campaign (CCC) is pleased to have the opportunity to participate in a review of the progress of Camden’s first Home Zone in Lupton Street, Raveley Street and Ospringe Road.
I had hoped to get more detailed input from members in the area, but have had no response. However, I do live about half a mile away from Lupton Street and have always used it as part of a cycle route. I make the following comments on that basis.
I am very impressed by this development, which looks great and would like to see
more Home Zones in Camden. Since the introduction of the new facilities, I have noted that the street is used by school children to hang out, to ride bikes and to play football. As an improvement to the area, I would support the introduction of benches at the two points suggested.
CCC is generally in favour of traffic calming measures and I therefore support the installation of the extra road humps.
I feel that I should not respond to the satisfaction survey as I do not have input from a resident of the zone.
- Do you agree with the road humps proposed for Ravelly Street?Yes
- Do you agree with the road humps proposed for Lupton Street? Yes
- Do you agree with the road humps proposed for Ospringe Road?Yes
- Do you agree with the parking on Ospringe Road in front of Lambourne Close being changed from residents only to shared residents/pay and display?No opinion
- Do you agree with more seating being provided on Lupton Street in the area outside the school? Yes
- Do you agree with more seating being provided on Lupton Street beteween the barriers?Yes
The following questions were no answered due to lack of input from a resident
- How has the Home Zone changed the speed of traffic in the area?
- How has the Home Zone changed the amount of traffic in the area?
- How has the Home Zone altered your attitude towards walking, cycling and public transport?
- How has the Home Zone changed the number of children and young people playiong in the street?
- How safe do you feel in the area?
- How has the Home Zone chaned the level of anti-social behaviour – street drinking, graffiti, vandalism – in the area?