As part of Camden’s policy to reduce the risk of accidents and to provide a safer environment, the Council is proposing measures to redirect this through traffic away from affected residential streets onto appropriate classified roads. These improvements centre on modifications of the junctions of Parkway with Gloucester Avenue/Delancey Street and Prince Albert Road/Albany Street/Park Village East. Bus services would be unaffected. There would be no loss of parking.
The reinstatement of the right turn from Parkway (A420 I) onto Prince Albert Road (A5205) in order to redirect through traffic to the designated A-road network.
The implementation of access restrictions at Gloucester Avenue at its junction with Oval Road using automated rising bollards and a gate.There would still be full access for the 274 bus service, emergency vehicles, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists.The restriction will prevent through traffic wishing to get onto Prince Albert Road from using the residential roads of Gloucester Avenue and Regents Park Road and other roads within the conservation area. Measures which improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, including those walking to the park and zoo.
Improved pedestrian crossings at the Parkway and Prince Albert Road junction through the introduction of controlled crossing facilities in conjunction with revised signal timings. The Council is also considering the provision of a zebra crossing on Prince Albert Road as a request from North Bridge House School.
An improved pedestrian crossing in Oval Road at its junction with Gloucester Avenue through the introduction of controlled crossing facilities in conjunction with revised signal timings. Also a banned right turn out of Oval Road into Gloucester Avenue.
The widening of the footway at the corner of North Bridge House School to deter illegal parking and to make more space for pedestrians.
Enhanced safety facilities for cyclists.
CCC’s response
CCC supported the closure of Gloucester Ave at Oval Road along the lines proposed by the Council, and the reinstatement of the presently banned right turn from Parkway into Prince Albert Road. However, several cyclists commented that the Parkway/Prince Albert Road junction already presents difficulties for cyclists, mainly from the left filter into Prince Albert when travelling towards Camden Town. There is concern that the reinstated right turn will also generate difficulties for cyclists travelling towards Regent’s Park. Hence, we asked for measures for cyclists introduced to mitigate the effect of the reinstatement.