As part of the Council’s policy to encourage walking and cycling and for reducing the number of road casualties, as determined by National Government and Mayor for London, Camden is continuing its ‘Kilburn Streets for People’ programme that aims to promote community safety initiatives. The Council is proposing:
- That Priory Road should be made two-way again between Belsize Road and Abbey Road with a no-entry sign and cycle bypass at the junction with Abbey Road.
- That a zebra crossing be introduced on Abbey Road near its junction with Priory Road.
Priory Road (between Belsize Road and Abbey Road)
As you may be aware, this section of the road was made one-way northbound a number of years ago to discourage through traffic, which has resulted in a long detour for southbound cyclists. The benefits of making this section two-way again with a no-entry sign and cycle bypass at the junction with Abbey Road includes:
- “No entry traffic” from Abbey Road will remain
- Entrance to Priory Road will be by Belsize Road.
- Exit from Priory Road will be by Abbey Road and Belsize Road
- Reduction in a long detour for southbound cyclists.
There will however be loss of one parking space as a result of this proposal.
Abbey Road Zebra Crossing
Local groups in the Kilburn Local Streets & Transport Plan identified Abbey Road as having a problem with significant amounts of traffic, often travelling at speed. Pedestrian facilities were also requested on Abbey Road near its junction with Priory Road.
As part of this safety initiative and in response to the expressed concerns of local groups and residents, we are proposing to implement a zebra crossing on Abbey Road either outside St Mary’s Church or outside Sylvan Court (photos on left and right respectively). It is Camden’s intention that zebra crossing in this vicinity will benefit residents, the disabled and those with children in buggies.
Option 1:Zebra Crossing outside St Mary’s Church
The proposed crossing at this location would require
- Relocation of one residents parking bay.
- Relocation of existing bus stop by 9m to the south
- Loss of one residents’ parking bay
Option 2: Zebra Crossing outside Sylvan Court
The proposed crossing at this location would require
– Relocation of one residents parking bay.
- Loss of 3 residents’ parking bay due to its position at the bend of the road.
The above initiatives have been combined into one consultation in order to provide a consistent approach to the whole area.
The proposed measures, arising from both the “Kilburn Street for People” & Abbey Road zebra crossing are shown in detail on the inside of this leaflet. A map showing the locations of all the proposed improvements may be found in the centre page of this leaflet.
CCC’s response
We strongly support these proposals, with one important qualification. As proposed, the cycle bypass at Priory Road junction with Abbey Road is inadequate and dangerous. As the existing pavement build-outs are going to be preserved, south-bound cyclists are going to have to squeeze past in a narrow space designed for one-way traffic coming the other way. It will be particularly difficult when cyclists are facing motor traffic trying to turn right into Abbey Road. We therefore propose that the eastern build-out be re-designed to include a cycle gap. This would involve the loss of the solitary parking space immediately to the south of the eastern build-out. We note that the council does intend to widen the one-way plug at the Belsize Road end of Priory Road to allow two way traffic, so surely something similar needs to be done at the Abbey Road end to faciliate the new flow of south-bound cyclists. There is a danger that the removal of the one-way in Priory Road will allow rat-running via Abbot’s Place. To prevent this, we recommend making Abbot’s Place no entry from West End Lane (with a cycle bypass).
Addendum (not included on the consultation form)
While we’re on this area, we would also ask the council to re-engineer the north end of Kilburn Priory, where it meets Belsize Road (i.e. immediately to the south of the Priory Road/Belsize Road junction). The very top end of Kilburn Priory, the bridge over the railway, is one-way only (southbound) with a cycle by-pass enabling us to go north-bound. However, the pavement build-outs where it meets Belsize Road are substantial, and force north-bound cyclists into the path of motorists swerving left from Belsize Road (often fast). It’s an analogous situation to what is proposed for Priory Road/Abbey Road (but worse). What is needed is a cycle gap in the western build-out. This would then improve the connection between Priory Road and Hamilton Terrace (St John’s Wood). In general, Priory Road and Kilburn Priory are marked as part of an a London Cycling Campaign advisory route and therefore deserve proper treatment.
Question 1 – Two-way traffic in Priory Road between Belsize Road & Abbey Road.
Do you agree with the proposal to change the one-way to two-way traffic for residents in this road?YES
Question 2 – Proposal for cycle bypass at Priory Road junction with Abbey Road southbound
Do you agree with the proposal to provide a cycle bypass at Priory Road junction with Abbey Road?YES
Question 3 – Option 1, Proposal for zebra crossing outside Saint Mary’s Church. Do you agree with the proposal for a zebra crossing outside St. Mary’s Church?YES
Question 4 – Option 2, Proposal for zebra crossing outside Sylvan Court. Do you agree with the proposal for a zebra crossing outside Sylvan Court? NO
Follow Up
James and Jean dicsussed the issue of the cycle gap with Dave Stewart and Ugo Ihsiene on October 12th 2004. This scheme is going to fail at teh consultation as residents have opposed the return to two way working. CC is looking at feasability for a
contra flow and re-consultation this financial year.