The proposal to ban the right turn from Euston Road into Belgrove Street is uncontroversial and we support it. But we will use the consultation to push for measures to enable cyclists to cross safely from south of the Euston Road into Pancras road and hence to Kings Cross and St Pancras stations and vice-versa.
A501 EUSTON ROAD/PANCRAS ROAD JUNCTION As part of the permanent reinstatement of Euston Road following the completion of the King’s Cross Underground Redevelopment, Transport for London and Camden Council are proposing to ban the right turn for vehicles from Euston Road into Belgrove Street. This right turn has been banned for the last three years on a temporary basis during the above redevelopment. We are now proposing to make this a permanent ban for the following reasons.
Banning the right turn will allow more space to be given to pedestrians to wait on the central refuge. The crossing distance for pedestrians will also be reduced, which makes crossing the road easier for pedestrians. When the right turn into Belgrove Street was permitted, it was a very light movement. It would therefore be more efficient to give this road space to pedestrians. The banning of right turn movements at junctions reduces the number of conflict movements and therefore reduces the risk of accidents. Access to the Argyle Square area from the west would continue as it is currently, namely via Britannia Street etc.
Please see the attached Diagram A for more details on the layout of the scheme.
CCC’s response
We support the measure, which will make it easier for pedestrians to cross. We also ask that:
a) The ASL on Euston Road eastbound be re-instated together with the advanced lights that help enforce this and the cycle crossing out of Argyle Street through the central reservation as shown on the plan.
b) A similar crossing and signalised ASL be provided east of the pedestrian crossing linking a new two-way cycle lane on the west side of Pancras Road to a cyclists’ contraflow on Argyle Street to allow the N-S movement (see below). This is in line with our submission last year concerning the problems of access to the area.
Suggested layout of cycle crossing facilities: