The LIP is a five year plan as to how the council will implement the mayor’s transport strategy.
CCC will respond to a group questionnaire which can be downloaded from
Camden’s web site contains a summary of the LIP as well as the full documention and an individual questionnaire. See Camden LIP pages
Members have already supplied us with their descriptions of places in Camden where they feel unsafe. These have now been incorporated into our response.
Response to the questions
Q9-Q17 are also in the individual questionnaire. We plan to ask members to let us have their suggestions on responses.
The remaining questions are on the programs, here is a summary and our initial comments:
- 20 mph zones: encourage but ask for a borough wide 20 mph limit;
- safer routes to schools: encourage, but review the ones already done and point out that children need safe routes everywhere;
- local saftey schemes: acknowledge the potential benefits, but point out their limitations e.g. even well-designed ASLs are inadequate if speed and volume of traffic is too high or junctions need realignment (e.g. KTR/Hawley road. Unsafe locations (in terms of road safety): to be collected from members
- LCN+ schemes: include completion of routes 0 and 6 as well as Link 27, Theobalds Road (link 50) and Finchley Road alternative (route 50). Possibly ask for radical safety improvements on routes 0 and 6 (closure of junctions with Grodon Square, Pratt Street and Plender Street). Also ask for links to Euston and St Pancras from route 0.
- Non LCN+ cycling schemes: say we’re pleased they are including the local route we requested from West Hampstead to Camden Town via Swiss Cottage. Cycle parking: ask for more realistic locations.
- Town Centres: the schemes are rather modest. Ask for radical changes, e.g. so that people could cross the road without waiting at the lights. I.e. radical reduction of speed and congestion.
- Streets for people and Clear zones: both good things
- Red routes: ask Camden to influence TfL with the need for cyclists to cross them as well as ride safely on them e.g. Sandall Road/Camden Road. 20 mph limit here too.
Other comments
We can say what we like here including asking for other schemes. We are currently studying the TRL report: TRL Review of Procedures Associated with the Development and Delivery of Measures Designed to Improve Safety and Convenience for Cyclists. This was commissioned by TfL in response to the death of Vicky McCreery on Blackfriars Bridge. It contains many recommendations that are relevant to Camden’s LIP. You can find the report on the TfL web site at
Search for TRL Review 2005
The LIP says that Camden is studying with TfL the possibility of reintroducing two-way working in Tottenham Court Road/Gower Street. I’d like to encourage that and request a similar study for Camden Town.
Our final response can be found at: CCC Response