Stefano and helpers arrived at 9 am to set up the stall and the gazebo in Chester Road which was closed for the day. We were shocked by the number of motor vehicles in use for setting up the Green Fair.
The Stall
Cyril Cannon and Lillian Shapiro were among the volunteers kept busy with good passing ‘trade’, handing out maps, dispensing advise, getting petition signatures for opening up Regents Park to cycling (and recruiting a few new members on the spot).
Many cyclists appear still to be unaware of the availability of these free, excellent maps.
Dr. Bike
The unending demand throughout the event for Dr Bike’s assistance was remarkable. CCC volunteers James Brander (right) and Lionel Shapiro (left), together with Camden Council’s cycle training people (background) worked virtually non-stop. How some cyclists survived long enough to reach the venue on their wrecks is a testimony to the basic perfection of the bicycle!
The trandem
Many cyclists turned up to have a go on Bikefix’s and Zero’s practical solutions to transporting young children by pedal power. Kevin Sara brought his own solution, complete with his two enthusiastic passengers. Kevin’s solution can be read about in the June/July 05 issue of London Cyclist, on page 12, where it features in a “Bike Clip” from the Hampstead and Highgate Express of 29/4/05. The girls, Cecelia (8) and Soma (6), but not Kevin, later had their faces painted, further justifying the effort of coming to the event.
Post Scriptum: On behalf of the Camden Cycling Campaign I would like to congratulate the Camden Green Fair and Bikefest committee for having produced a very successful event. We look forward working together again for a even more popular and green event next year. The Green Fair web site will soon be updated with more pictures and stories of this year event. Camden Green Fair
Stefano Casalotti