Proposed new humped zebra crossing
on Parkhill Road near its junction with Tasker Road
I am writing to ask for your views on the Council’s proposal to construct a humped zebra crossing on Parkhill Road near to its junction with Tasker Road. This scheme is aimed to reduce the risk of accidents and improve pedestrian safety in the area, particularly as the site is in close proximity to a school.
The proposed measures involve:
- Constructing a humped zebra crossing on Parkhill Road close to its junction with Tasker Road, at the site of the existing pedestrian refuge crossing point.
- Installing zigzag clearway markings before and after the crossing point, to ensure sightlines are kept clear at all times from any waiting vehicles;
- Reducing the length of the existing resident parking bays by 9 metres
(approximately 2 car spaces) on one side of Parkhill Road and increasing
the resident parking bay by 6 metres (approximately 1 car space) on the
other side of the road.
This proposal is part of the wider Gospel Oak Streets for People Programme,
which covers a number of projects for the general improvement of the area –
including street lighting, new public spaces, cycling and public transport
This new humped zebra crossing is proposed to cater for the pedestrian desire line associated with the alleyway from Tasker Road through to Southampton Road and St Dominics Primary School.
CCC’s response
Question: Do you agree with the proposed humped zebra crossing on Parkhill Road near its junction with Tasker Road?
Answer : Yes
The Camden Cycling Campaign supports the introduction of the Zebra crossing but suggests that:
1) The crossing should be closer to Tasker Road as this would be more convenient for pedestrians who would otherwise cross over the zig-zag lines.
2) The whole junction should be raised thus creating a much more effective traffic calming measure and would facilitate pedestrians walking in all directions.