Castlehaven and Hawley Road
Open Space Proposals
We would like to ask you what you think about the proposals for Castlehaven & Hawley Road Open Space. This is a partnership project with Camden Council and the community centre to improve the local street environment, making the place feel safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle through, or just sit and chat.
A local steering group was set up to raise any concerns on behalf of residents and local organisations and to consider designs for Hawley Road, Hawley Street, Castlehaven Road and the Community Centre open space.
• Access to the main site (Castlehaven Community Centre open space) is poor and is currently landscaped with a series of mounds and sunken paths. The area is perceived to be unfriendly and has a history of anti-social behaviour.
• Local people have expressed a desire to improve the area and visually unite Castlehaven Community Centre to the surrounding area, while providing better access.
• Better lighting will be installed, with hidden corners removed to reduce anti-social behaviour. Two-way cycle access will be maintained from Hawley Road to Castlehaven Road as well as
ensuring emergency access is adequate.
• There is an option to close vehicular access between Hawley Road and Hawley Street or leave it
open, with a raised carriageway to slow vehicles turning.
CCC’s response
Camden Cycling Campaign supports the proposed scheme including the realignment of the cycle path on the pedestrianised part of Hawley Road and agrees with the proposal to prevent vehicular access between Hawley Street and Hawley Road, as long as cycle access between these streets is allowed.
We have some concerns about the diagonal parking shown on Hawley Street and Hawley Road, as vehicles backing out may be a threat to passing cyclists, especially if the roads are otherwise dead ends. We think that this risk should be mitigated by the use of cycle symbols in the road where such parking is allowed.
Q1. Do you support this scheme?
Q2. What do you think about the option of closing vehicular access between Hawley Road and Hawley Street?
Agree as long as cycle access is permitted.