Proposed pedestrian and cycle facilities at Fitzjohns Avenue/Arkwright Road signal junction
This junction is between five schools, hence has a high pedestrian activity.
Between 1 August 2001 and 31 July 2004 there were 11 recorded accidents (2 serious and 9 slight) of which six involved pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
Council’s proposals:
- a new pedestrian crossing facility across the southern arm of Fitzjohns Avenue and retaining the all-red traffic signals. Currently pedestrians can cross on only two arms of the junction, as there are no dedicated facilities across the southern arm of Fitzjohns Avenue
- Relocating the existing pedestrian crossing on Arkwright Road closer to the junction.
CCC’s response
We welcome the introduction of the new pedestrian crossing on the southern arm of the junction and the plan to move the crossing on Arkwright Road to the pedestrians’ desire line.
We are puzzled by the proposed traffic island in Fitzjohns Avenue which does not help pedestrians, as it is not on the crossing. We object to its presence because it creates a potential pinch point for cyclists. In general, it takes up space in the road which would be better given to cyclists.
The proposal says that it will provide improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, yet there does not appear to be anything included for the latter.
We request that an ASL with an adequate feeder lane be introduced at each of arms of the junction in Fitzjohns Avenue. On the southern arm the feeder lane will help cyclists coming up the hill to get to the front. On the northern arm it will help right turning cyclists to get to the front of the queue.
We also wonder why the ASL in Arkwright Road is so far back from the pedestrian crossing and request that it be moved forward to the normal position.
Finally, it would help pedestrians if the box junction markings are moved back to include the points where pedestrians cross.