TfL Streets is working together with the London Borough of Camden to upgrade the signals at the junction of Euston Road with Midland Road and Judd Street and to improve the streetscape in Judd Street, between Euston Road and Bidborough Street.
The aim of the scheme is to make the junction work more efficiently and improve pedestrian facilities by making Judd Street one-way south-bound, between Euston Road and Bidborough Street. At the same time highway alterations would be undertaken to improve the streetscape in Judd Street, which would provide more pavement space outside Camden Town Hall.
The reason behind the improvements:
In 2007, Midland Road is due to become one-way southbound with the opening of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link at St Pancras Station. This will increase the amount of traffic coming to the junction with Euston Road and Judd Street, which is already very busy.
The signals at this junction need to be completely upgraded. However, the only way to accommodate all the predicted traffic and make the junction operate satisfactorily is to not allow traffic to exit Judd Street at this point. This would make Judd Street one-way southbound as far as Mabledon Place, which provides the opportunity to widen the pavement in front of Camden Town Hall.
Traffic from Judd Street would be able to access Euston Road via Mabledon Place instead. The left turn at the Mabledon Place/Euston Road junction would be re-introduced so that traffic can turn either way at the junction.
In order to prevent traffic going the wrong way on Judd Street a pavement build-out would be constructed at the junction of Judd Street and Bidborough Street, which would narrow the street at that point to a single lane. The entire junction would also be raised, to slow traffic and improve safety for pedestrians in this area.
A raised entry treatment would also be constructed at the junction of Bidborough Street with Mabledon Place, to slow turning traffic. Together with improvements to road markings on the Mabledon Place cycle lane, this would improve road safety.
Parking and loading
The informal loading bay in front of the Town Hall would be lost as a result of the pavement widening and
loading and parking would no longer be permitted here. New loading bays would be created instead on
the opposite side of the road, outside O’Neills, and to the south of the Town Hall in Bidborough Street,
where the 2 disabled bays are at present.
The 2 disabled bays would be moved to the other side of Bidborough Street to where the 2 existing
business permit holder bays are, which would in turn be moved to replace 2 of the residents bays
near the entrance to the Camden Centre. The 2 residents bays would be replaced in the other arm of
Bidborough Street, replacing 2 existing pay-and-display bays. In addition, an extra disabled bay would
be provided in Judd Street, just north of the proposed pavement build-out.
Double yellow lines would also be introduced on the north side of Biborough Street, from Judd Street
for a short distance towards Mabeldon Place, to ensure that vehicles can make the left turn from Judd
Street into Bidborough Street.
CCC’s response