The council proposes that Streatley Place should be closed – for use by pedestrians only. They offer a choice between a lockable bollard and raising the level of the road with a raised kerb.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
CCC’s response
CCC can support the closure
of Streatly Place because it is effectively already a dead end street as it leads to either a closed gate or a set of stairs. The closure
would not affect cyclists or pedestrians. CCC would prefer option 1 (removable bollard) because we assume it would achieve the goal of excluding cars from accessing Streatly Place at a lower cost than option 2. CCC instead recommends that that a ramp is built to overcome the the two small steps separating Boades Mews and New End. This would facilitate parents pushing buggies towards the nursery, people with walking impairments and cyclists.