Camden Council proposes to make the place better for pedestrians. It is related to the pilot 20 mph scheme (with phased traffic signals) to be introduced in the southern part of Camden High Street in early 2009.
The main proposal is to widen footways and reduce carriageway width with a view to speed reduction and consequent enhancement of cyclists safety.
They promise cycle parking on side roads, but we could argue that some could be put elsewhere.
The plans don’t show the road width – we should check that.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet LB Camden has hidden the file
CCC’s response
We agree with the proposal to upgrade the street and are not against widening of the footway in principle. However we are totally opposed to the planned removal of existing cycle parking stands which is contrary to Camden’s policy and ongoing efforts to encourage cycling.
We feel that the opportunity should be taken to put in additional stands on the High Street as well as stands on side-roads and, further, that the position of all these stands should be indicated on the drawings.
We have no opinion on removal of the bus stop.
We disagree with the planned loading bays on the east side of the street as these will make it impossible to implement a south-bound contra-flow cycle route as discussed during the planning stage of LCN+ link 27.
For the same reason, we suggest that the footway and roadway over the canal be brought to the same level so that, if approved, there would be room for a south-bound cycle lane.
John Chamberlain
Camden Cycling Campaign Management Committee
September 15 2008