City of London is proposing a new master plan for the Parliament Hill Triangle which is at the south east corner of Hampstead Heath.
This includes improvements to gateways, new planting schemes, relocation and improvement of the café, improvements to the Lido and Athletics Track Pavilion and improvements to play facilities.
It also shows the proposed cycle link between Gordon House Road and the Highgate Road – Nassington Road cycleway. This link will at first follow a new vehicle road past the Lido and then continue on a cycle ony path.
Elements of this draft Masterplan will form part of a submission for a Heritage Lottery Fund bid at the end of September 2008.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Some initial comments:
- we welcome a proposal for a cycle link from Gordon House Road past the Lido.
- there is no indication of any new cycle parking; we need to make sure the existing parking at the Lido is retained and ask for some by the Cafe, the tennis courts and the running track and at the west end of Cycleway A.
- It also looks as though the cycle parking outside the lido may have vanished.
CCC’s response
Camden Cycling Campaign is pleased to see that the Masterplan proposals for improvements at Parliament Hill Triangle show a cycle link between Gordon House Road and the Highgate Road to Nassington Road Cycleway.
However, we are disappointed that the Masterplan does not give details of cycle parking nor does it show a cycle link to Savernake Bridge.
Detailed comments on Masterplan Drawing:
Cycle Parking
Currently there is good cycle parking close to the Lido with direct access from the service road. Please ensure that in the new design for the Lido car park, this cycle parking is retained and that cyclists can access it without being asked to dismount.
There is no indication of any new cycle parking; it will be needed by the new Café, and is needed by the tennis courts and the running track and close to entrances 1c and 1d.
Service Road from entrance 1f
As this is to be used by cyclists, all of the barriers should be designed so that cyclists can ride past without dismounting. If any speed humps are used, they should either have a sinusoidal profile or have cycle gaps.
The caption (3) refers to this as a vehicle only route
. Please clarify that this includes cycles, but otherwise is restricted to vehicles with permits.
Entrance 1a
The speed bumps on the path beside the tennis courts should be modified to provide a cyclist bypass on each side. The existing humps are dangerous to cyclists.
Cycle Link to Savernake Bridge
The drawing of the re-aligned path (where the changing rooms will be demolished) leading to entrance 1e should indicate that one of the branches will become a shared-use path.
Comments on the Explanatory Note:
Under the Proposals, please add an additional item on improved cycle access to the Heath and on cycle parking.
Response to Questionnaire
Section A. Add principle to encourage visitors to uses sustainable transport to travel to the Heath.
Section B. Add proposal on improved cycle access to the Heath and cycle parking.