As a part of the local east-west cycle route, Camden Council proposes to improve the design of the existing traffic island at the start of the segregated contra flow cycle lane in Gloucester Avenue, at the junction of Regent’s Park Road.
The CRISP Report on the local route stated: The cycle access is too narrow and discourages cyclists from using it. Also, the bollards are too close to the kerb face and create the hazard of cyclists clipping the bollard whilst entering
the facility and subsequently crashing due to the contact. It has been observed on many occasions that cyclists illegally enter (against traffic) Gloucester Avenue via the vehicle exit
only lane.
and recommended:
- Reshape the island and relocate and/or remove specific bollards.
- Relocate the lighting column to the adjacent footway and
reshape the protective island. Provide an illuminated bollard.
The proposals in this consultation include:
• Relocate the lighting column from the existing traffic island onto the pavement.
• Remove the existing traffic island.
• Build a new traffic island and install a ‘No Entry’ sign.
• Improve the existing road markings at the junction.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet LB Camden has hidden the file and we don’t have a copy
CCC response
Camden Cycling Campaign is completely in favour of the plans to change the shape of the existing segregated traffic island at the start of the contra flow cycle lane in Gloucester Avenue.
One comment which was raised by our membership, and with which I agree, is the difficulty often created for cyclists using the lane by motorists parking outside Cecil Sharp House in the evening. Cyclists often encounter a car parked outside the bays and jutting out into their line of travel, obliging them to swerve to the right and possibly in front of oncoming traffic. Maybe this issue can be considered along with the traffic calming measures for the section of Gloucester Avenue north-west of the plug.