Camden Council proposes the following measures on St Pancras Way between Geoegiana Street and College Grove.
• Pavement widenings with zebra crossings on St. Pancras Way at its junctions with Pratt Street
and College Grove.
• Widen the north-eastern pavement where it is very narrow for pedestrians (Outside Star Wharf).
• A raised entry-treatment at the junction of College Grove
• An advisory cycle lane between Georgiana Street and College Grove.
• Shorten the existing pay-and-display bays north of College Gardens to increase visibility for
pedestrians wishing to cross the road.
• Additional pay and display parking bays.
Double yellow lines to prevent parking for increased visibility.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Some further details provided by Yuksel Arikan
The width of the proposed cycle lane is 1.7 m.
- Carriageway width between Georgiana and Pratt Street will be 4.7 metres including the cycle lane
- Carriageway width at the two at the
points is 6.0m including the cycle lane. - The zebra near Pratt street will be 4.5m wide.
- The width of the zebra crossing near College Grove is 4.5m.
CCC’s response
We support the desire to make the road safer for pedestrians by the reduction of motor-vehicle speeds by narrowing the road to a single lane. These measures together with the proposed cycle lane will of course also improve safety for cyclists.
In the rest of our response, we take into account the following details provided by Yuksel Arikan
⁃ there is no parking on the eastern side of the carriageway so will consider implementing a double-yellow line across the proposed cycle lane.
⁃ The width of the proposed cycle lane is 1.7 m.
⁃ Carriageway width between Georgiana and Pratt Street will be 4.7 metres including the cycle lane
⁃ Carriageway width at the two at the cut-line points is 6.0m including the cycle lane.
⁃ The zebra near Pratt street will be 4.5m wide.
⁃ The width of the zebra crossing near College Grove is 4.5m.
Mandatory Cycle Lane with double yellow lines
Since it is illegal for motor traffic to enter a mandatory cycle lane (apart from taxis dropping off), they are preferable to mandatory lanes. If there is an issue of loading, then mandatory lanes are reserved for cyclists according to the hours of the restriction. (LCDS 4.2.6).
Width of Cycle Lane
We are pleased that you propose 1.7 metres rather than the absolute minimum of 1.5 metres. However LCDS Figure 4.5 specifies minimum cycle lane width as 1.5-2 metres
for half road width of 4.5-5 metres’.
We therefore suggest that a wider cycle lane would be more effective both for providing space for cyclists and for reduction of vehicle speed. For most of the way, where the carriageway is 6 metres wide we argue that the cycle lane should be 2 m wide, so as to narrow the remainder of the carriageway to 4 m.
St Pancras Way south of College Grove
We have been shown the design for the junction at Crowndale Road in which motor vehicles take two lanes and the old substandard cycle lane will be removed, cyclists being provided with a pair of gates to enter the ASL. We are happy with this proposal.
However we are concerned about how the cycle lane and motor vehicle lanes will be managed between College Grove and Granary Street and between Granary Street and Crowndale Road. We ask that this be considered as part of your report.
St Pancras Way north of Georgiana Street
As is currently the case, any one approaching Georgiana Street from the north via the two-way cycle track will need to change sides from right to left. People complain about this as a fault of the design, even though they have the option of remaining in the road.
This applies to cyclists coming from Camden Road and from Agar Grove. Note that the recently approved scheme for the Agar Grove/St Pancras Way intends cyclists from Agar Grove should join St Pancras Way via Wrotham Street.
It would be useful if some form of signage north of the Agar Grove junction and at the Wrotham Street/St Pancras Way junction could be used to indicates that cyclists should ride in the road if they plan to continue on St Pancras Way south of Georgiana Street or turn into Barker Drive .