Camden Council propose changes to Bus stops and traffic calming in Buckland Crescent (from the junction of College Crescent), Belsize Park, and Belsize Avenue (up to the junction of Haverstock Hill) and on Green Hill adjacent to Hampstead High Street
Click here to see the consultation leaflet-BelsizePark
Click here to see the consultation leaflet- Hampstead
CCC’s response
These proposals for Bus Priority Rout 268 do not appear to have either positive nor negative effects for cyclists so we are in general supporting the scheme because we see some positive value for Bus users.
However, we are in general concerned with the approach of dealing with one issue at the time (the Bus Route in this case) when carrying out local projects. It should be noted that this area has been made into a 20mph zone only 2 years ago. There are other schemes that could be considered for this road such introducing parking spaces for Car Club and electric cars and (see below) raised tables.
On the specific issue of the cushions we are supporting the change of from 4 cushions to 3 cushions only because the present arrangement is of no use to anyone (including emergency vehicles). We actually pointed this out in our responses to previous consultations. We hope that in future lessons will be learned from these mistakes which result in waste of taxpayers money.
Additionally we want to emphasise that the Camden Cycling Campaign is in general opposed to cushions because they encourage cars to swerve endangering cyclists. We would much rather see more raised tables. For example these could be built at each bus stop (aligning the bus stops in the opposite directions) . Raised table have already been built at some junctions on Belsize Avenue/Park so they must not be a problem for the emergency vehicles and buses would have to slow down anyway at the bus stop.
(Response to related Hampstead High Street/Green Hill consultation)
We support this proposal however we strongly request that there should be an exception for cyclist for the new no-right turn at Green Hill as it is legitimate for cyclists to use Green Hill to avoid the congestion on Hampstead High Street. Additionally residents and pupils and staff from the Royal School in Vane Close will want to be able cycle on Green Hill and to turn right at Prince Arthur Road.