Camden Council proposes to improve the streetscape and pedestrian environment in the vicinity of the Central St Giles development at St Giles High Street.The main proposals are:
- Pedestrianisation of Dyott Street between Bucknall Street and Shaftesbury Avenue
- Widening the pavement outside 1-13 St Giles High Street.
- Construction of raised tables at the junction of Bucknall Street and Dyott Street and that of Bucknall Street and Bloomsbury Street.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
CCC’s response
This response to the consultation from Camden on the proposals for Pedestrian and Streetscape Improvements in the St Giles area is from Camden Cycling Campaign, the local borough group of London Cycling Campaign (LCC). We have approximately 650 members and represent the interests of cyclists living or working in the borough of Camden.
We are generally in favour of the proposals, which should make the environment safer and more accessible for pedestrians. However, we have a few concerns that relate to provision for cyclists. These relate to permeability, access and cycle parking. We note that the development plans show access to the buildings from all sides and access to the courtyard area of the development from St Giles High Street and from Bucknall Street. We also note that one of the proposed cycle hire stations is at the corner of Bucknall and Earnshaw Streets and it is expected that this will generate additional cycle journeys in the area. Our requests are as follows:
- We note that it is planned to close Dyott Street to motor traffic between Bucknall Street and Shaftesbury Avenue. From the consultation leaflet it is unclear what the status of cyclists will be. We request that you make this a shared use area, allowing cyclists to proceed in either direction. The purpose of this will be to allow cyclists access to the east side of the development and to allow N-S permeability away from the very busy alternative of Bloomsbury Street.
- Cycle parking should be included wherever possible, especially in the vicinity of retail outlets. We suggest that the widened areas of footway along St Giles High Street and Dyott Street are suitable for this; there may be other areas.
- We believe that Bucknall Street is currently two-way for cyclists and hope that this will remain the case.
We should be happy to discuss the response if that would be helpful, please contact John Chamberlain on 7485 2685.