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Camden Council is consulting on proposals to provide bus stops in the NW3 area to enable several private schools to commission a school bus with a view to cutting down on the school run.
The consultation on the Fitzjohns 20 mph limit included the locations of bus stops for five schools in that area: Phoenix School, North Bridge House, South Hampstead High School, St Mary’s School, Devonshire House and St Anthony’s.
This set of consultations involves other schools.
The bus bays can be used only by vehicles with 8 or more seats. They will be used between 8-9 am and between 3 and 5 pm. At other times it will operate as a single yellow line.
Predictably, they have engineered no loss of residents parking bays; pay and display will be sacrificed. More worryingly they have reduced the keep clear area outside some of the schools (sometimes referred to as non-compliant keep clear areas
Title: Heathside Preparatory School – School Travel Plan Scheme
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Title: Sarum Hall School – School travel plan scheme consultation
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Title: Hampstead Hill School – School travel plan scheme consultation
Status: Current
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Title: Trevor Roberts and Hereward House Schools – school travel plan
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Title: St Christopher’s School – travel plan scheme consultation
Status: Current
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Title: The Village School – school travel plan scheme consultation
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
Title: Lyndhurst House School – school travel plan scheme consultation
Click here to see the consultation leaflet – not yet
Title: The Hall School – school travel plan scheme consultation
Click here to see the consultation leaflet- not yet
Title: UCS Junior School – school travel plan scheme consultation
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
CCC’s response
We support the bus stops as a school bus service will cut down on the number of vehicles being driven to the schools and hence make the roads safer for cyclists in general and for children going to school on foot.
OR, where keep clear
signs will be removed:
We support the bus stops in principle,as a school bus service will cut down on the number of vehicles being driven to the schools and hence make the roads safer for cyclists in general and for children going to school on foot.
However, for safety reasons we object to the removal of the keep clear
markings outside the entrance to a school if it is to be replaced by residents parking.
But allowing a school bus to use the area to drop off children should be OK, and dropping them off at the school gate should encourage children to use it.