Jean Dollimore (along with other LCC Borough Coordinators) had attended a meeting (June 2009) at which Sustrans (Sustainable Transport, a charity promoting cycle routes) to discuss the Central London Greenways Network which they were now managing on behalf of Transport for London.
Susteans Consultation- no longer online
The network is intended to provide a Green Grid across London and may include circular routes in some parks. This year Sustrans will be concentrating on the central area (Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Camden, Islington, Hackney and Tower Hamlets). They will be carrying out research until the end of June, consulting on routes in the autumn and finalising proposals in December.
They supplied each of the representatives of the above boroughs with large maps on which to mark out existing routes and suggestions for possible green links. They want us to supply local knowledge of what could/could not be done in the parks in the borough, what’s sensitive and what’s possible.
Members meeting June 2009: people made suggestions on the map, which Jean Dollimore would pass back to Sustrans.
CCC Suggestions
CCC then participated in feedback on the draft report. Final Report due on Sustrans website January 2010.