Open Street Map Cycle Map Location
Camden Council proposes contraflow cycling measures in Percy Street and Bayley Street.
This is a useful first step towards realising the Stations Circular Relief Route that will run from Charlotte Street via Bedford Square, Montague Place and Guildford Street to Calthorpe Street.
Click here to see the consultation leaflet – when Camden reinstalls it
CCC’s response
CCC is pleased that Camden Council proposes a scheme for two-way cycling in Percy Street and Bayley Street. This is an important step in realising the SSL relief route. However, we have serious misgivings about the proposal for Bayley Street and we have some suggestions regarding Percy Street.
Bayley Street
Contraflow cycle lane
The proposed contraflow cycle lane is on the wrong side of the road. This is a bad idea for the following reasons:
▪ cyclists will be on the wrong side of motor vehicles
▪ there will be conflict with oncoming traffic including westbound cyclists when eastbound cyclists have to change sides at Morwell Street
▪ it may encourage cyclists to get in the habit of making dangerous and illegal moves
▪ westbound cyclists will conflict with eastbound cyclists if they assume the lane is a with-flow cycle lane
▪ if you are coming from Percy St and want to walk across Tottenham Court Road, this contraflow is on the wrong side.
▪ when Tottenham Court Road is made two-way the contraflow will be on the wrong side and will have to be redone – this would be a waste of public funds.
Bayley Street is a quiet road, as evidenced by the proposal for logo-only markings east of Morwell Street. So we request that the separating island should be placed in position for contraflow cycling on the north side of the road and a short advisory cycle lane marked past the loading place on the footway with no further markings needed apart from cycle logos.
Possibility of lead-in lane to ASL
We note that it is proposed to reduce motor vehicle traffic to a single lane westbound on the approach to Tottenham Court Road. We also note that the build out for the cycle hire station currently leaves room for two vehicle lanes. Therefore we suggest that it should be possible to include a lead-in lane on the south side as well as a contraflow on the north side of the road.
Percy Street
Junction with Charlotte Street/Rathbone Place
We have concerns regarding the junction with Charlotte Street/Rathbone Place.
The southern end of Charlotte Street is effectively a false one-way street. There are no No Entry
signs at the junction of Percy Street, that is, there is nothing apart from the filter arrows to stop cyclists from turning north into Charlotte Street when they reach the junction.
Therefore, the two filter arrows should be replaced by a normal give-way line marked across the southern end of Charlotte Street, so as to give priority to cyclists going along Percy Street, immediately making this a really useful route.
The green cycle lane on Percy Street
We think that the use of green paint would spoil the look of Percy Street.
But in addition, we think that a marked lane will encourage people to ride in the door zone and leave them in the wrong position to turn right into Charlotte Street which is the logical place to continue.
In particular, the western end of the contraflow cycle lane should not curve in towards the kerb – instead, cut it short and use logos to mark the way towards crossing the junction.