Although parking for 100 bikes was installed in the Car Park at St Pancras International just as the station reopened in Nov 2007, getting access to them has been an uphill struggle.
Since then Network Rail has vacillated between allowing cyclists to enter the same way as the cars or via the coach road. Currently they favour the latter. As soon as that’s definitely settled, Camden Council has agreed to put up signs from the street.
But the good news is that there now is excellent signage on the station. All through the ground floor arcade, the main concourse and the corridor to the car park, little cycle symbols have been included in what must be new blue signs (see photo). This is what the stationmaster promised when we met with him in Nov 2008; we expected some delay due to issues of heritage, but the result is great. Congratulations to Camden officer Hannah Brown for chasing this so persistently.
The presence of the cycle signs should help to raise the status of cycling as well as indicating to people who get off the trains where they may park their bikes.
See more photos – try looking at the slide show,