Jane Boardman ran the Bike Week breakfast for the 13th year, with support from Richard Fletcher, John Chamberlain, Anne Boston, Helen Vecht, Alex McKinnel and Stefano Casalotti. Paul Davis and Beverley Biwaji from Camden Council helped us to distribute the maps. We had two Dr Bikes – Halim from futurecycletraining and John. Paul Davis said 220 cyclists stopped at our stall.
It was a lovely sunny day and we were kept busy from the start before 8 am until we cleared up soon after 10 am.
Halim and owner inspect wheel Jane talks to bike paramedic from London Ambulance Service
Beverley does a brisk trade in maps One of our younger visitors enjoys refreshments
her younger sibling was asleep at the back of the bike. Anne adjusts saddle on Cycle Hire Bike (provided by Paul Davis) Dr Bike – John
Photos by Ellen Gates, Paul Braithwaite and Jean Dollimore
See more photos on our Flickr site at: Breakfast 2010