OSM Cycle Map Location
Camden Council proposes measures intended to improve the pedestrian environment on York Way between Euston Road and Wharfedale Road.
They propose the following measures:
• a one metre wider pavement on the western footway and increased street lighting provision along its length;
• a zebra crossing just south of York Way’s junction with Caledonia Street to assist with high volumes of bus passengers wishing to cross the road at this point;
• a redesign of the signalised junction at Wharfdale Road to reduce its complexity by installing more direct, straight-across crossing points and removing the existing triangular pedestrian island;
• a reduction of the York Way carriageway to one lane northbound between Euston Road and Railway Street, to help reduce traffic speed and road user conflicts;
• a reduction of bus standing provision to assist the operation of the Wharfdale junction;
• provision of a central cycle lane along York Way to assist cyclists at the Wharfdale signal
• exactly the same features as OPTION 1 as well as a formalised lay-by loading and parking facility on the eastern side of the road between Caledonia Street and Railway Street
Click here to see the consultation leaflet
also on our website
CCC’s response
Since York Way is on the boundary of Camden and Islington, CCC, ICAG and Islington Living Streets are returning a joint response.
We are in general agreement with all of the measures proposed. In particular, we approve of the reduction of the carriageway to a single lane to reduce traffic speeds and the improvements to the Wharfedale junction. We also approve of the central cycle lane.
Options: We prefer Option 2 because it reduces the carriageway width.
We have the following additional requests:
A 20 mph speed limit in this stretch of York Way.
⁃ Camden already has a 20 mph limit in Pancras Road between St Pancras and Kings Cross stations.
⁃ Islington has a 20 mph limit in Wharfedale Road.
⁃ we have heard that when Goods Way reopens after re-alignment, it will be a 20mph zone with sinusoidal humps. We hope this zone will extend along the section of Pancras Road under the CTRL bridge.
⁃ there is high pedestrian and cycle use in this stretch of York Way.
Raise the zebra crossing
Raising the crossing would help to slow traffic speeds off-peak; we assume pedestrians would support this.
Southbound ASL at Wharfedale Junction
This requires a feeder or at least a gate.
Two-way cycling in the future
We would prefer general two-way operation or failing that, two-way cycling in this section of York Way. However, we realise that it may be outside the scope of this particular project. But we ask that nothing be done now which would prevent that happening at a future date.