The proposals include the following:
– two-way cycling in Greenland Road from Bayham Street to Camden Street (providing a useful west-east link to Georgiana Street and Agar Grove).
– upgrade of the junction of Pratt Street with Bayham Street to allow safer westbound cycle access through the junction (there is not much room in the existing cycle gap). Note that the drawing fails to show that cyclists are allowed to go ahead.
– two-way cycling in Plender Street west of Bayham Street (a useful step in the development of the local east-west route), together with improvements for the market stalls and pedestrian access
– extension of the Royal College Street 20 mph zone to the area between Camden High street and Camden Street
– widening of footway in St Pancras way to reduce speeds and a new zebra near Granary Street. Note: we need to check whether this will be Ok for cyclists. Also – nobody ever mentioned two-way cycling in the eastern end of Pratt Street. It probably doesn’t matter, except in current circumstances where building work is messing up the northern end of the Royal College Street track.
– a small number of electric car charging points and car club bays.
CCC Response
These proposals are very welcome because cyclists should benefit from the improvements to east-west and west-east links across Camden Town and the extension of the 20 mph limit. Detailed comments follow:
Plender Street – two-way cycling, footway and market improvements
We are very pleased with this proposal because two-way cycling in Plender Street is a crucial step in the development of the local east-west route between Copenhagen Street on the Islington border and Kilburn High Road on the Brent border. We would like to see the working drawings when this proposal reaches the next stage.
Please bear in mind that the next step in this part of the local route involves the consideration of how to cross over Camden High Street between Miller Street and Plender Street.
Two-way cycling in Greenland Road from Bayham Street to Camden Street
This will provide a useful west-east link from Parkway via Greenland Rd, Georgiana St and St. Pancras Way to Agar Grove. It complements the existing east-west route from Agar Grove via St Pancras Way, Pratt St and Delancey Street. Please show us the working drawings when this proposal reaches the next stage.
We ask that once this work is done, the two routes should be signed. CCC is available to help with suggestions for locations of signs and naming of destinations.
Upgrade of the junction of Pratt Street with Bayham Street
This will enhance the east-west route mentioned above, as there is not much room in the existing cycle gap. We note that the drawing fails to show that cyclists are allowed to go ahead across Bayham Street as agreed in discussions. Please correct this and allow us to see the working drawings when this proposal reaches the next stage.
Extension of the Royal College Street 20 mph zone to the area between Camden High street and Camden Street
This change should be welcome to cyclists and pedestrians as well in that, apart from Camden Street, it extends the 20 mph speed limit in Camden High Street right over to the Royal College Street 20 mph zone.
We ask that a 20 mph speed limit be imposed in Camden Street so as to make this southbound route safer for cyclists.
St Pancras Way
Cycle lane. The cycle lane added in 2009 is useful, but comes to an end before the zebra on the north side of College Grove. We see that the new proposals include an advisory cycle lane north of the proposed new zebra at Granary Street. Its width and extent are not indicated on the drawing: please ensure that it is at least 1.8 m wide and that it continues where the other one gives up – that is from the south side of the zebra by College Grove.
The proposal for no loading/waiting opposite Parcel Force is welcome as it will keep the existing cycle lane clear.
Build outs and footway widening. We support all of these as the consequent narrowing of the road should help to reduce speeds. Perhaps St Pancras Way could be a candidate for a 20 mph speed limit?
Please consider removing the railings and high kerb on the corner of Georgiana Street and St Pancras Way.
New zebra north of Granary Street. We support this proposal as it is obviously needed by pedestrians.
Crowndale Road – footway widening
We support this proposal both for convenience of pedestrians and as a way of narrowing the street and potentially reducing speeds.
Please note that there is a long mandatory feeder lane on the eastbound approach to the ASL at the junction of Camden Road. It is essential to retain this lane.
Parking and club cars
(relating to proposals 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9)
We agree with the provision of Car Club bays as we understand that the availability of club cars can reduce the number of private motor vehicles, but support them only when they replace residents parking bays.
We are against the increase in the number of residents parking bays as we believe that people in urban areas should not be encouraged to own cars. We also oppose increases in pay and display bays since people should be encouraged to use sustainable modes of transport.
Electric vehicle charging points:
Our general approach to the issue of electric vehicle charging points was determined from an email discussion on a list with 256 members during June 2010.
One of the aims of CCC is to encourage people to give up their cars in favour of walking and cycling. The encouragement of car ownership and use makes the roads less safe for cyclists and pedestrians.
As London cyclists we want not just less air pollution in London but also fewer cars (of any sort). Electric cars achieve the first but not the second.
We therefore oppose any proposal that does not reduce the amount of parking for petrol/diesel cars. We are neutral concerning other proposals.