Open Street Map Cycle Map Location
We have two consultations from LB Camden.
1. West End Lane – 20mph Limit and Improvements
LB Camden proposes a 20 mph limit in West End Lane between Quex Road and Fortune Green Road. This will be backed up by some traffic calming measures
• footway build out by junction with Inglewood Road
• a new pedestrian island at zebra crossing by Fawley Road
• footway build out and removal of an island by junction with Lymington Road
Click here to see the consultation leaflet.
2. West Hampstead – 20mph area improvements consultation
LB Camden proposes some new traffic calming measures to improve the effectiveness of the existing 20 mph zone:
• a raised table at the junction of Sumatra Road and Glenbrook Road
• raised entry treatments on both arms of Solent Road at its junction with Glenbrook Road
Click here to see the consultation leaflet.
CCC’s response
1. West End Lane – 20mph Limit and Improvements
I write on behalf of the Camden Cycling Campaign in response to the Council’s consultation regarding the proposed 20mph limit on West End Lane and associated improvements.
We are in favour of the introduction of a 20 mph limit. However, we would prefer if this could be extended up Fortune Green Road and along adjoining roads, esp. Lyncroft Gardens, Canon Hill and the remainder of West End Lane beyond the currently proposed cut-off point. Traffic speeds in this area are often dangerous, especially with traffic coming off the Finchley Road.
We trust that the proposed centre island on the zebra crossing by Fawley Road will leave the carriageway widths compliant with the London Cycle Design Standards. Similarly with the build-outs by Inglewood Road. Otherwise, we would observe that West End Lane remains congested and unpleasant for cyclists, with a continuing lack of cycle parking facilities (e.g. plenty of room by the library).
If you need any more information in order to register our response for the purposes of your consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
2. West Hampstead – 20mph area improvements consultation
I write on behalf of the Camden Cycling Campaign in response to the Council’s consultation regarding the proposed 20mph area in West Hamstead and associated improvements.
We are very much in favour of the proposed changes. However, we consider that more should be done to reduce rat-running along Sumatra Road, which can make it unpleasant and dangerous for cyclists using it to avoid congestion and worse on West End Lane. We also understand that Sumatra Road residents are often bothered by rat-running motorists sounding their horns etc upon finding themselves delayed by on-coming traffic. We would therefore recommend making both ends of Sumatra Road no-entry for motor vehicles (as with Gloucester Avenue at the junction with Regent’s Park Road). We appreciate that this is a radical move, but consider that it is justified both by the current misuse of Sumatra Road by motorists and the poor conditions for cyclists on West End Lane.
If you need any more information in order to register our response for the purposes of your consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me.