Open Street Map Cycle Map Location
Camden Council proposes some improvements for cyclists and pedestrians at the junction of Charlotte Street – Percy Street – Rathbone Place – Rathbone Street.
To start with, they are accepting the situation that cyclists (coming from Percy Street) can turn right into Charlotte Street (which used to be marked as ‘No Entry’).
The proposals include the following:
– a large raised table across the entire junction which should slow the southbound vehicles on Charlotte Street (all others will be going away from the junction into the three one-way streets)
– wider footways
– four cycle stands in the road on Charlotte Street
Click here to see the consultation leaflet.
CCC’s response
As we said in our response to an earlier consultation in April this year, cyclists were very pleased that it was proposed that the southern end of Charlotte Street should become two-way for cyclists. Following the recent Fitzrovia consultation which proposes two-way cycling in Fitzroy Street, cyclists should soon have a two-way route between Fitzroy Square and Percy Street.
We welcome the proposal in the current consultation to install a large raised table across the entries to all four roads at the junction. We agree that it should improve safety for cyclists emerging from the Percy Street contra-flow cycle lane as well as benefitting pedestrians.
We note that the contraflow in Percy Street is terminated by a ‘Give Way’ at the edge of the table. We think that it would be preferable for southbound vehicles on Charlotte Street to have to Give Way to the cyclists who may be making several different manoeuvres out of the contraflow. In addition, cycle logos should be marked on the table to indicate the continued path of cyclists as far as the mid point of Charlotte Street. You will note that we made a similar suggestion in our response to the consultation “Camden Cycle Hire – Complementary Measures – Percy Street/Bayley Street” in March 2010.
The cycle stands are welcome and in particular the idea of siting them in the carriageway. It may be worth considering placing them at an angle to facilitate getting the bikes in and out.