We were pleased that so many people made the effort to turn out on a cold and wet evening. It was worth it though, for the conversation and the good refreshments. Thanks are due to Henrietta and David for organising the food, its heating and circulation.
We broke for a few minutes from our partying to look at ‘Go Dutch’ in Tottenham Court Road.
A display was put on the wall to show the current proposals from LB Camden for Tottenham Court Road (and Gower Street) to go two-way. To summarise:
- TCR southbound will be buses and cycles only
- there will be a wide median strip to allow pedestrians to cross anywhere
- they hope that most northbound traffic apart from buses and cycles will move onto Gower Street
- Gower Street will be two-way south of Grafton Way
- TCR north of Grafton Way will be as bad as ever.
The Go Dutch principles were displayed for newcomers. We also displayed the results of the cycle counts we did in September.
Click to see larger image in new window:
Notes from Guests
Guests were asked to write their comments and suggestions onto post-it notes. Here they are:
- Concerned for northbound cyclists looking to make a right turn into Torrington Place from TCR and Gower Strett. Will these junctions be controlled? Would a ‘Right turn only’ phase be an option? Colin Murphy
- Regarding Euston Circus: Junction must be completely simplified and number of lanes reduced. Can ramps be pulled into the middle over the underpass? => enables a simple cross junction.
- Introduce straight-ahead cycle lane at Euston Circus to avoid left-turn hazards.
- Improve straight-ahead cyclist movement at Howland Street left turn.
- What are the intended movements at the southern end of TCR?
- Do we need signals at Maple Street or Torrington Place?
- Improve Bayley-Percy crossing (already on notes)