An area-wide scheme in the Kings Cross area will allow two-way cycling in all the streets between Euston Road, Grays Inn Road, Sidmouth Street and Argyle Street. The streets affected are:
– Argyle Street
– Belgrove Street
-Crestfield Street
– St Chad’s Street
– Argyle Square
– Regent Square
– Seaford Street
In addition, Marchmont Street south of Coram Street will be made two-way for cycling In the Fitzrovia area, the following streets will be made two-way for cycling:
– Fitzroy Street (the full length)
– Whitfield Street (the full length)
In West Hampstead, the following streets will be made two-way for cycling:
– Priory Road,
– Canfield Gdns between Compayne Gardens and Broadhurst Gardens
– Greencroft Gdns
– Messina Ave,
– Fairhazel Gdns (to complete the entire length)
– Kingsgate Place
All of these schemes will be able to use “cyclists exception” to No Entry as shown in the photo of Princess Road. At last DfT allows these signs to be used without fuss.