Click to see location on Open Street Map
Euston Circus is the junction of Tottenham Court Road and Euston Road
The proposed scheme appears to do nothing at all for cyclists.
TfL claim that it provides simpler and safer journey options for cyclists – meaning?
and that they have enhanced the contraflow cycle lane for cyclists travelling from East to West on Euston Road (it still requires waiting for 3 signals as well as mixing with pedestrians on the footway outside UCLH)
But how are cyclists going to avoid ‘left hooks’ – e.g. northbound there will be large numbers of motors turning left into Euston Road
It doesn’t show anything to indicate that LB Camden will soon have southbound buses and cycles on TCR (Tottenham Court Road). Although LB Camden intends to make TCR two-way, they have been unable to unpick the gyratory north of Grafton Way. This is because TfL have failed to make the road between TCR and Gower Street two-way (they claim that it’s not wide enough, since the underpass is going to stay in place…not sure if that’s true).
Click to see consultation leaflet
This page contains a form for the public to send feedback and also links to the consultation leaflet.
CCC’s response
See our report. Cycling Issues at Euston Circus.