Open Street Map Cycle Map Location
Camden Council proposes measures related to access at the two new schools at Swiss Cottage: the UCL Academy and the SEN school.
The proposed scheme appears to do nothing at all for cyclists.
The first measure (for the UCL Academy) is to remove the redundant school access road and build out an area of Harley Road at the junction of King Henry’s Road. This is required to improve the side/rear entrance area of the new UCL Academy. This measure is intended to reduce the pedestrian crossing distance over Harley Road at the junction of King Henry’s Road, which is currently very wide
The second measure (for the SEN School) is to relocate a stretch of residents parking on Avenue Road from its existing placement to a new location slightly further north
Click here to see the consultation leaflet.
Note: Concerning Harley Road: the build out does take away an apparently redundant left turn lane so may simplify northbound movements for cyclists, but will it make southbound ones awkward?
Note: Avenue Road – how about 20 mph limit with immediate slow down on entry from gyratory?
CCC’s response
Dear Mr Heyler
Thank you for consulting the Camden Cycling Campaign for the public realm work indicated above.
We have reviewed the proposed plans and we do not object to them. However, we would like to note the following:
1) There is no mention of cycling in the proposal. We strongly believe that any new public realm improvements should look into opportunities in supporting the two most sustainable forms of transport which are walking and cycling.
2) The proposal refers to two rather minor changes, but they are in the context of the construction of a major new secondary school. We would have liked to see a much broader plan on how provisions for walking and cycling to the school are being developed. We are very concerned that if such plan is not developed and discussed we will find ourselves in the situation of having to rectify unsatisfactory facilities.
3) Regarding the build out on Harley Road we agree that it will be an improvement for pedestrians and in fact it will also guide cyclists to take a more correct line when turning right into Harley Road from King Henry’s Road. We are however concerned that cyclists doing this movement will not have a good view of traffic coming from the opposite direction on King Henry’s Road because of the curvature of the road. We would like to suggest that you install a bollard in the middle of the road on King’s Henry Road opposite the junction with Harley Road . This would both warn cyclist about a more ‘complex junction’ and prevent cars from ‘cutting’ the corner.
I hope you will consider our comments.
Stefano Casalotti