Camden Council proposes to provide new on carriageway cycle parking at the following locations:
- On the north side Gordon Square beside the gardens and opposite the UCL Institute of Archaeology (9 stands) with the removal of 10 m of residential parking bay. For protection: build out at one end and ‘nib’ at other end. They point out that removal of one parkin bay makes room for 5 cycle stands without inconveniencing pedestrians.
- On Shorts Gardens, off Drury Lane(11 stands) with removal of 15 m of double yellow lines. For protection: nib at both ends
- On the east side of Monmouth Street (5 stands) with removal pof 5 m of a loading bay. For protection: table at one end (with build out) and ‘nib’ at other end.
Not one of these consultations appears to be on the LB Camden website.
CCC’s response
This response to the consultation from Camden on the proposal for on-carriageway cycle parking on the north side Gordon Square, on Shorts Gardens and the east side of Monmouth Street is from Camden Cycling Campaign, the local borough group of London Cycling Campaign (LCC). We have over 600 members and represent the interests of cyclists living or working in the borough of Camden. We consulted our members by email on this issue and this response reflects the views of the membership.
We are very supportive of this proposal for the following reasons:
⁃ we believe that road space should be reallocated from motor vehicles to more sustainable modes of transport and that less car parking implies less traffic
⁃ we know that in some locations there is a shortage of footway space and would not like to penalise pedestrians by cluttering the footway in order to obtain cycle parking
⁃ the fact that 5 stands enabling 10 cycles to park is a better use of space than a single car
There was some discussion as to the safety of the cycles (risk of being hit by a passing vehicle). We note that in the three sites under consideration the line of cycles is protected either by a build out or by a nib.
We also noted that that Lambeth on-carriageway cycle parking won an LCC award in 2011. CCC are in line with the LCC award and are strongly in favour of this as a policy for Camden.
Please would you acknowledge receipt of this response; if you prefer a written submission please let me know. We would be very happy to discuss any aspect of our response.