The Agar Grove – Camley Street dedicated cycle and pedestrian link was opened in August 2009 and it has proven to be a very useful facility. But it was marred by one defect. The anti-motorcycle barriers at each end were over-restrictive on cyclists, requiring a dismount to pass through them.
Earlier this year we pointed out to Camden the difficulty and frustration caused to cyclists caused by these barriers. The pro-cycling sentiment of relevant officers has now shifted sufficiently that they supported the suggestion that the barriers should be modified to make entry and exit much easier.
A site visit followed at which there was resistance from Camden’s engineers, on safety grounds, to the near-total removal of the barriers that had been discussed with the planners. The outcome is that one of the three rows of railings previously in place has been removed at each end of the link. This makes passing them a lot easier, if not ideal.
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