The RCS cycle tracks opened in August 2013. Since them cycling has increased by 135% with over 2000 cyclists per day using them. The changes have also led to a 21% drop in traffic speeds and a significant reduction in collisions involving cyclists. Over the two years since the opening, Camden has made many little improvements, e.g.
– a solid white line on the outside of the planters to help highlight the line of planters and to discourage parking and encroachment;
– reflective bollards at the start and end of every line of planters to increase protection of the most vulnerable planters;
Camden now proposes to make some additional improvements that require consultation:
– Provide stepped cycle track adjacent to the entrances to ATS garage and Parcelforce
– At the two bus stops, provide a clearly marked boarding and alighting area in normal paving stones for bus passengers up to 2m wide outside the cycle tracks
– Narrow the pavement on the west side of Royal College Street next to Georgiana Street to provide a better alignment for the northbound cycle track.
– Introduce new pavement adjacent to the National Grid construction site
– Introduce additional cycle parking and car parking spaces for residents and visitors
– Provide more loading areas for businesses
Please respond to the consultation on Camden’s Website:
CCC’s response