There is as yet no announcement about CS11 from TfL since 29th November last year on TfL’s CS11 webpage
25th January 2018: See Simon Munk’s evaluation of the situation on LCC website
We wrote the following on 19th January:
Yesterday (18th January), Andrew Gilligan wrote a blog post entitled “Cycle Superhighway 11 is dead”. You can read it here:
He tells us that he has heard that the Mayor’s new plan is to close only two of the four proposed gates in Regent’s Park:
- Macclesfield Gate – leading from Avenue Road;
- and Park Square West
whereas the consulted plan (agreed with 60% support) was to close an additional two gates:
- Park Square East
- and York Gate
In addition, the hours of closure have been reduced to 7 to 9.30 am and 4 to 7 pm on Mondays to Fridays only, whereas the consulted and agreed plan was to close them apart from between 11am and 3pm seven days a week.
Ross Lydall wrote on his blog today (19th January) that
He quotes Justin McKie of Regent’s Park Cyclists who says that he believes the amended plans would not be as poor as Mr Gilligan believed.
Laura Laker wrote on the Guardian cycling blog (19th January) that
Regent’s Park cycle route plans at risk of being cut back
She quotes Simon Munk:
“Long term, through motor traffic has no business in any park, particularly this one. It shouldn’t be acceptable that massive volumes of motor traffic, saving a minute or two on people’s journeys, are cutting through the park. Every day, let alone every week and month that goes by, we risk further collisions".
If true, the proposals will not only not remove the through traffic but may put more traffic on the east side of the Park.
It is not clear who has put pressure on TfL to water down the plans, though the finger has been pointed at Westminster Council, but we are very concerned indeed that the mayor appears to be ignoring the results of the consultation, particularly as this may have knock-on effects on the plans further north including Avenue Road and Swiss Cottage.
CS11 is supposed to be a well engineered ‘Superhighway’ from Swiss Cottage to the West End and work was supposed to have started last year.
We’ll update this post as and when we hear more.