Without an eastbound cycle track, this is only half a scheme. But we think building a westbound track is a good start and that Camden Council are right in their assessment that further progress must await a shift in the public view about on-street car parking. As it is, this scheme will probably attract hostile responses from local car owners and we want to make sure that there is a majority in favour of the consultation. We therefore ask you to fill in the On-Line Survey. The deadline for responses is 10 September but why not do it now, it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.
We suggest that you reply along the following lines:
Q4: “Yes” – i.e. that you want the westbound segregated track and junction improvements to go ahead as proposed.
Q5 and 6: no reply needed because you are supporting the preferred option.
Q7: something like: “it is very important to implement an eastbound cycle track as well” or “the scheme doesn’t provide for unaccompanied school travel without an eastbound track”
Q8: A reason why you like it, something like: “although I currently use the route through Queen’s Crescent it is rather indirect”
You can read about the consultation on Camden’s website.
And you can see our discussions and further thoughts on CycleScape at: https://camdencyclists.cyclescape.org/threads/4178
Our response to the consultation is here.