Camden is consulting on proposals to improve the public realm and reduce bus journey times along Hampstead High Street and its junction with Heath Street.
As background Camden mentions:
- narrow carriageway (less than 6m) caused by parked vehicles adjacent to the Greenhill embankment
- junction of Hampstead High Street and Heath Street queues on Hampstead High Street
- the zebra crossing on Hampstead High Street by Oriel Place is very popular and results in vehicles frequently stopping to allow pedestrians to cross
- narrow footways and existing pedestrian crossings not fully accommodating established desire lines.
Camden’ proposed changes
1. Reducing parking and loading hours on southern side of Hampstead High Street adjacent to Greenhill
2. Hampstead High Street/ Heath Street junction: provide two approach lanes (instead of one) on Hampstead high Street
3. Convert the existing zebra crossing by Oriel Place to a signalised pedestrian crossing :’‑(
4. Hampstead High Street/ Heath Street junction: new diagonal pedestrian crossing by the tube station
5. Hampstead High Street/ Heath Street junction: widen the footway on the western side of Heath Street
See consultation on Camden’s website at:
CycleScape discussion
CCC’s response
CCC Response to Hampstead High Street consultation Jan 2019